
Xie Xiaohui, a national model veteran: stick to doing one thing well for a lifetime


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina, Fujian News, August 6 (Wen Beiyao, Zhang Rongguang) Recently, the list of national model veterans and national model units and individuals for veterans' work was announced in Beijing. Xie Xiaohui, a 9th-level assistant engineer of the former Yong'an Fire Brigade in Sanming City, was awarded the title of "National Model Veteran".
The picture shows Xie Xiaohui popularizing fire safety knowledge to the elderly living alone in Sanyuan old residential area. Photo provided by Sanming Fire Rescue Detachment
Xie Xiaohui was rated as a first-level disabled person in 2004 due to work, and is now the "non-staff first secretary" and "political honorary instructor" of the Sanming City Fire Rescue Team. After retiring in April 2017, he established the "Xie Xiaohui Fire Protection Publicity Volunteer Service Team" in 11 counties (cities and districts) in Sanming City, developed more than 200 fire protection publicity volunteers, and went to villages and households for publicity more than 30,000 times, training more than 150,000 people.
Always keep the original intention and mission and write an extraordinary chapter
Xie Xiaohui was born in Longyan, an old revolutionary base in western Fujian in 1977, and grew up in Sanming, where he was influenced by the red culture since childhood. In 1999, Xie Xiaohui, who had just graduated from university, enlisted in the army. After three months of intensive training, he was assigned to the Sanming Fire Brigade as a grassroots cadre, and began his military career.
In 2004, he was promoted from deputy company officer to company officer due to his outstanding performance. His life and career were brand new and fulfilling. However, at the age of 27, he had a close call with death.
On July 26, 2004, a fire broke out at the Xianglu Mosquito Coil Factory in Shangping Township, Yong'an City. Xie Xiaohui and his comrades rushed to the scene to put out the fire and save lives. However, the factory building collapsed suddenly, and Xie Xiaohui, who was on the front line rescuing people, was buried. When his comrades rescued him, he was already severely burned, with 75% of his body burned and only five holes left on his facial features.
After the hospital's full rescue efforts, with the firefighters' strong will to never give up and his family's meticulous care, he survived the brink of death after nearly three years of endless surgeries.
In 2007, with his health improved significantly, he quickly packed up and took the initiative to apply to return to work. His comrades were afraid that he would bleed and sweat, so they did not let him do heavy work, but he insisted on practicing "typing" on the keyboard and compiling the police records and work files accumulated over 10 years into files. He never made any mistakes in the millions of words of various files he compiled. At the same time, Xie Xiaohui insisted on explaining firefighting and rescue techniques and emergency rescue experience to new firefighters every year, and promoted fire safety knowledge and elimination of various fire hazards to the people. He used his greatest efforts to add a unique brilliance to the firefighting cause.
Xie Xiaohui was awarded the first-class merit, and was awarded the titles of "National Most Beautiful Volunteer", "National 119 Fire Advanced Individual", "National Model Veteran", "China's Good Man", "Fujian Province's Eighth Moral Model", "Fujian Province's Lei Feng Model at Work", and "Top Ten People Who Touched Fujian".
Always maintain the military style and write answers for the people
From a seriously injured recovering patient to a firefighting knowledge disseminator, from the front line to behind the scenes and then to the front stage, although the road is difficult and full of difficulties, he never forgets that he was once a firefighter, always deeply cultivates the military spirit in his heart, and writes the loyal nature of a "firefighter" with his original intention. He said that his appearance is the best "propaganda leaflet", "When children see my scarred arms and deformed palms, they will truly realize the seriousness of the fire."
In April 2017, after retiring due to injury, Xie Xiaohui has never forgotten his original intention and mission. He often goes out to the streets to serve as a fire safety propagandist, patiently explaining fire safety regulations and earnestly reminding the public of fire safety knowledge, and continues to contribute to the country and society like he did in the fire brigade.
The picture shows Xie Xiaohui installing a smoke alarm for villagers. Photo courtesy of Sanming Fire Rescue Brigade
In May 2021, the Civilization Office of the Sanming Municipal Party Committee and the Sanming Fire Rescue Detachment officially established the "Xie Xiaohui Fire Protection Publicity Volunteer Service Team" and awarded the flag. Fire safety in mountainous areas has thus become Xie Xiaohui's second "battlefield". The service team has been shuttling between the fields of 11 counties (cities and districts) in Sanming for a long time, going deep into thousands of households to publicize fire protection knowledge, distributing leaflets to villagers, and patiently explaining to farmers the common sense of family fire prevention and fire fighting, how to report a fire correctly, and how to put out an initial fire, etc., so that the villagers can learn fire prevention tips and actively create a strong atmosphere for everyone to "learn fire protection, know fire protection, and understand fire protection."
Always maintain your heroic character and write a wonderful life
Xie Xiaohui has always strictly required himself with the standards of a Communist Party member. He said: "As long as the party and the people need it, I will continue to forge ahead and dedicate myself to the firefighting cause without regrets, and use practical actions to spread the good voice of the party and convey positive energy to society."
In November 2022, he led the members of the "Xie Xiaohui Fire Protection Publicity Volunteer Service Team" to Mahong Village, Yong'an, Fujian, where the Central Red Army Slogan Museum is located, to preach the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the villagers and publicize fire safety knowledge. He helped the Central Red Army Slogan Museum replace old electrical lines, install intelligent smoke alarm devices, and clean up debris in the corridors. He patiently explained the causes, characteristics, hazards and related fire prevention precautions of fires in wooden buildings in plain language. Today, the fire safety of Mahong Village is guaranteed, with more and more tourists and a prosperous life.
On March 16, 2023, he was invited to participate in the "Study and Implement the Spirit of the 20th National Congress to Inspire Veterans to Always Follow the Party" tour organized by the Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs. More than 5,000 people across the province listened to his touching story on the spot.
"We are all ordinary people. We cannot change the length of our lives, but our profession can change the depth of our lives." Today, Xie Xiaohui and his partners have become the epitome of Sanming's spiritual civilization construction and have become well-known folk fire heroes in the streets and alleys of Sanming. (End)