
Anchored in the deepening of modernization reforms丨Beijing Tongzhou and Langfang's northern three counties: Both sides of the river work together towards "integration"


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Recently, staff members were answering inquiries from citizens at the integrated government service area in Beijing's sub-city center in Xianghe County. Photo by Zhao Yonghui, a reporter from Hebei Daily

On July 29, the construction of the Chaobai River Bridge on Changtong Road was in full swing at the junction of Beijing Tongzhou and Hebei Dachang. "The construction progress has been completed by 95% and it is planned to be ready for traffic in September this year." Tang Hong, Party Secretary of the Project Management Department of the Changtong Bridge of China Communications Construction, introduced that after the completion of the bridge, the Changtong Road with a total length of about 7.9 kilometers will be fully open to traffic, becoming a new fast channel for the "one-hour commuting circle" of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Build a collaborative bridge with a collaborative approach. The Changtong Bridge was jointly built by the Tongzhou Highway Branch of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission and the Transportation Bureau of Dachang Hui Autonomous County, creating a new model of "integrated design, integrated construction, and integrated management" in key engineering projects in Beijing and Hebei. After the construction started in December 2022, the two sides worked together to solve various problems encountered in the construction of the project, such as plan formulation and procedure approval, to ensure the smooth progress of the project.

Chaobai River is the boundary river between Beijing Tongzhou and the three northern counties of Langfang. People on both sides of the river have always been close to each other, but they are separated by the river. How to promote coordinated development and achieve new breakthroughs? In recent years, the two places have used a collaborative approach to reform and innovate, made bold breakthroughs in systems and mechanisms, strengthened coordination on major cross-regional and cross-departmental issues, and worked together to build an integrated high-quality development demonstration zone.

On July 22, the construction site of the section between Yanjiao Station and Shenwei Street Station on Beijing Metro Line 22 in Sanhe City was bustling with activity. Photo by Zhao Yonghui, a reporter from Hebei Daily

One map to cover everything, making bold breakthroughs in breaking down regional administrative barriers

In recent days, in the underground tunnel of the Hebei section of Beijing Rail Transit Line 22 in Sanhe City, the 8.29-meter-diameter "Xietong" shield machine has been slowly moving forward like a giant dragon. "The Hebei section has accumulated 11.9 kilometers of excavation so far, and has completed 45% of the total task," said Liu Junchao, project manager of the Hebei section of Line 22 of China Communications First Highway Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

As a landmark line of the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Rail", Line 22 is the first major cross-provincial project in China to be approved for construction using the "one meeting and three letters" approval model of Beijing's sub-city center. After communication and coordination between Beijing and Hebei, the original 20-plus approval items were simplified to four steps of "one meeting and three letters", bringing the construction start time forward by half a year, laying the foundation for the simultaneous opening and operation with the Beijing section.

In August 2021, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Supporting the High-quality Development of Beijing's Urban Sub-Center", proposing to accelerate the construction of a demonstration zone for integrated high-quality development in Tongzhou District and the three northern counties. Over the past three years, strengthening docking, communication and cooperation with Beijing and promoting coordination through reform have become important contents for the three northern counties of Langfang to promote integrated high-quality development.

In order to address the overall and key issues that restrict reform and development, Langfang City and Tongzhou District have explored and established working mechanisms such as regular exchanges among main leaders, docking and dispatching among leading departments, and regular communication among industry departments. More than 30 coordination mechanisms have been established in the fields of planning, industrial collaboration, transportation interconnection, joint investment promotion, ecological protection, and talent introduction.

On May 22, Tongzhou District and Langfang City jointly signed the "Chaobai River Biodiversity Conservation Collaborative Cooperation Agreement", and the biodiversity collaborative work mechanism between Tongzhou District and the northern three counties was officially launched. The two places will promote the comprehensive protection of ecosystems, biological species, and biological genetic resources, accelerate the construction of Chaobai River National Forest Park, and jointly build a "beautiful and diverse Chaobai River."

Paying attention to coordination is an inherent requirement for further deepening reform in an all-round way, and is also an important method to ensure the smooth progress of reform.

Jointly organize project promotion and negotiation meetings, carry out regular joint environmental law enforcement, and launch customized express buses to solve the problem of inter-provincial commuting... In a collaborative way, the two places proactively break the "one acre and three points of land" mindset, carry out top-level design of systems and mechanisms, and achieve one picture to guide, one plan to layout, and integrated promotion.

In September 2023, the Executive Committee of the Demonstration Zone for Integrated High-quality Development of Tongzhou District and the Northern Three Counties was established, marking a new stage in which the coordinated development of the two places has entered a more complete system and mechanism, a more sound work system, and more integrated power management. At present, the two places are jointly promoting a number of key tasks such as the mapping of the industrial chain of the demonstration zone, truly realizing that they think and work together, and the kinetic energy of coordination has been fully released.

On July 22, at the left-line shield construction site of Beijing Metro Line 22 (Pinggu Line) Gaolou Station to Qixinzhuang Station in Yanjiao Town, Sanhe City, as the "Xietonghao" shield machine slowly moved forward, workers operated the assembly machine to assemble the pipe segments. Photo by Zhao Yonghui, a reporter from Hebei Daily

A chess game layout, exploring breakthroughs in industry cooperation and collaboration

The key to promoting the integrated and high-quality development of Langfang’s northern three counties and Tongzhou District is to achieve the free flow and optimal allocation of resource factors within the region, form an industrial development pattern with orderly division of labor and cooperation, and create a new source of power for regional development.

Liantai Cluster Computing (Sanhe) Technology Co., Ltd. is the first company to settle in the Yanjiao Innovation Center of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Technology Innovation Center. Song Shijie, general manager of the company, said: "We are an innovative company focusing on the field of high-performance computing, and are mainly responsible for the implementation and large-scale production of the research and development results of Liantai Cluster (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd."

At present, the Beijing Urban Sub-Center Technology Innovation Center is coordinating the innovation resources of Tongzhou and Yanjiao to create a new model of collaborative innovation in technology industries between Tongzhou District and the three northern counties. "By the end of 2025, after the 250,000 square meters Yanjiao Innovation Park is put into use, it will undertake large-scale production for about 50 companies," said Li Chunan, executive director of the Yanjiao Innovation Center.

With the help of Beijing's scientific and technological resources and industrial advantages, the three northern counties of Langfang are accelerating the cultivation of endogenous driving forces for scientific and technological innovation. They have strengthened regional collaborative innovation and industrial collaboration by building high-tech zones, R&D platforms, and incubation carriers. At present, there are 429 high-tech enterprises, 513 national-level technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, 168 provincial-level specialized and new enterprises, and 9 national-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprises.

Orderly decentralization of Beijing's non-capital functions is a key link and top priority for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. The three northern counties of Langfang focus on promoting deep integration and staggered development of industries with Tongzhou District, and carry out integrated joint investment promotion in combination with decentralization needs and their own foundations, in order to create "Science and Technology Innovation Yanjiao, Smart Manufacturing Sanhe, Business Dachang, and Cultural Tourism Xianghe".

Innovate the system and mechanism for attracting investment. The three northern counties of Langfang have sent investment promotion specialists to Tongzhou District to jointly carry out on-site investment promotion. Zhongguancun Tongzhou Park and Yanjiao High-tech Zone and other parks in the three northern counties have carried out joint construction, organized integrated investment promotion, joint promotion and other activities… Changed the way of fighting alone and brought about greater investment promotion efficiency.

Since 2019, the three northern counties of Langfang have co-organized project promotion and negotiation meetings with Tongzhou District for five consecutive years, signing a total of 211 projects and cooperation matters, of which 161 physical projects have an investment of over 150 billion yuan, 62 projects such as the research and development of rare earth new materials have been completed and put into production, and 72 projects such as the large-scale Haigao Intelligent Control Cloud Valley have been implemented.

Introducing a project will drive an industry. Currently, Xianghe Robot Town has signed contracts with more than 150 companies, taking solid steps to build a robot industry cluster; Sanhe City has built 31 science and technology parks such as Xingyuan Hi-Tech, which have attracted 1,146 companies, with an occupancy rate of 56%...

In January this year, the governments of Beijing and Hebei jointly formulated and issued the "New Industry Prohibition and Restriction List for the Tongzhou District and the Northern Three Counties Integrated High-Quality Development Demonstration Zone", which expanded greater space for the northern three counties to undertake high-quality projects from Beijing and achieve industrial collaboration.

On July 22, at the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Technology Innovation Center (Yanjiao), technicians from Liantai Cluster Computing (Sanhe) Technology Co., Ltd. were assembling artificial intelligence servers. Photo by Zhao Yonghui, a reporter from Hebei Daily

Integration is accelerating, and breakthroughs are being made in the co-construction and sharing of public services

The Yanda Golden Years Health Care Center, located in Yanjiao, Sanhe City, currently has more than 5,000 elderly people living there, more than 95% of whom are from Beijing. "It's close to Beijing, the environment is beautiful, and you don't have to go back and forth to see a doctor. Beijing medical insurance cards can be directly settled at the hospital, making life convenient and comfortable," said Chen Lian, an elderly man from Xicheng District, Beijing.

Matters that the people care about and expect must be promoted and implemented effectively. This has long been a consensus in the joint construction of an integrated high-quality development demonstration zone between the two places.

How to avoid the pain of running around and the trouble of paying in advance for medical insurance reimbursement for medical treatment in other places? The three northern counties of Langfang have solved the problem through reform and innovation, promoting cooperation between local medical institutions and 40 medical institutions such as Tongzhou District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and 73 designated medical institutions have opened direct settlement of cross-provincial hospitalization and ordinary outpatient medical insurance, making "paying in advance + running around" a thing of the past.

The educational cooperation between the two places has been steadily promoted, and educational resources have been "crossed across provinces and rivers". At present, the Sanhe Campus of Beijing Luhe Middle School and the Sanhe Campus of Beijing Experimental School have been established, and they have carried out cooperative education and job exchanges with 14 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Beijing, so that children can enjoy Beijing's high-quality educational resources at their doorstep.

The two places have jointly implemented the ecological joint prevention and control mechanism and worked together to promote the continuous improvement of the ecological environment quality. The long-flowing green water and fresh air have given the North Canal a new look. "Here you can not only take a boat to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also taste a variety of delicious food. It's worth the trip." In the hot summer, Beijing tourist Li Yun spent a pleasant weekend in Xianghe County.

"With the interconnection between the Langfang Xianghe section of the North Grand Canal and the Beijing section, after 5 to 10 years of development, it is expected to drive the number of tourists in Xianghe to 12 million, and the annual total tourism revenue to 6 billion yuan," said Wang Jianjun, a third-level chief clerk of the Xianghe County Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism Bureau.

A more profound change is that the three northern counties of Langfang and Tongzhou District have broken down regional barriers and promoted "regional one-stop service."

On May 15 this year, the integrated service hall of the Beijing Urban Sub-Center Government Service Center was unveiled and put into operation at the Sanhe Municipal Government Service Yanjiao Center, marking the completion of Beijing's government service coverage of the three northern counties of Langfang, and the realization of "regional handling" for 453 high-frequency public convenience matters and 294 high-frequency business license matters involving enterprises. (Hebei Daily reporter Liu Jie)
