
Sub-center: Art market construction can receive up to 5 million yuan in funding support


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On August 6, the city's sub-center held a cultural tourism industry exchange meeting. At the meeting, the Tongzhou District Culture and Tourism Bureau issued the "Implementation Rules on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Cultural Tourism Industry in the Beijing City's Sub-Center". In terms of promoting the construction of the art market, it will implement a project to gather 10,000 artists, actively promote the construction of art trading centers, exhibition centers and industrial service platforms, and provide up to 5 million yuan in financial support.
Chu Meng, deputy director of the Tongzhou District Culture and Tourism Bureau, introduced that in order to further play the leading role of the cultural and tourism industry, intensify the supply-side structural reform of cultural and tourism consumption, actively cultivate new cultural and tourism products, new scenes, and new business formats, and promote the deep integration of culture and tourism industries, the sub-center has formulated implementation rules to promote the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry.
The sub-center encourages the linkage of culture, tourism, commerce and sports to release consumption potential, supports the holding of festivals such as art festivals, drama festivals, music festivals, concerts, and animation festivals, creates various consumption scenes such as light shows, cultural and art exhibitions, and cultural and creative markets, holds premieres and first releases, develops research and study tourism projects, builds a new cultural space with multi-format integration and multi-functional coordination, introduces and holds various sports activities and sports events, and holds branded, themed, and characteristic cultural, tourism, and business linkage consumption activities. In this regard, the sub-center will provide relevant financial support, up to 2 million yuan.
At the same time, the sub-center will support enterprise agglomeration to promote high-quality industrial development, increase the attraction of cultural and tourism headquarters enterprises, leading enterprises, and chain leader enterprises, and provide support for newly established industrial chain enterprises at up to 70% of their annual regional contribution; for existing industrial chain platform enterprises and head enterprises that are in a leading position in comprehensive capabilities and can play a demonstration and leading role, support will be provided at up to 70% of the annual regional contribution increase; strengthen the cultivation of enterprise echelons, guide small and medium-sized cultural and tourism enterprises with characteristics, good prospects, and great growth potential to gather and develop in the sub-center, and provide a one-time support of up to 500,000 yuan to cultural and tourism enterprises that have reached a certain scale and maintained a relatively high growth rate.
In addition, the sub-center will actively undertake the construction of Beijing's data infrastructure pilot zone, create a demonstration benchmark for technological innovation and application scenarios in the digital cultural and tourism industry, support the research and development and application of new technologies such as smart cultural and tourism and digital cultural and tourism, and provide up to 3 million yuan in financial support.