
Idle resources such as corner land and flower plots have been transformed into supercharging stations! Chongqing Real Estate Group has invested in the construction of 474 charging and swapping stations


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"It's so convenient. I can charge my battery during work hours." In April this year, after the Meiye Road smart supercharging demonstration station was put into operation, Ms. Zhu, who works at the Life Smart Medical Industrial Park in Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone, no longer has to look for charging stations everywhere. Each charging saves at least one hour. Many office workers in the park have also replaced their gasoline cars with electric cars.
Since the beginning of this year, with the acceleration of supercharging station construction, more and more citizens can charge their cars at their doorsteps or near office buildings. According to the Chongqing Real Estate Group, as of now, Chongqing Green Energy Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Green Energy Company), a subsidiary of the group, has accumulated 474 charging and swapping stations, including 177 supercharging stations, using idle plots such as corner land, sandwich land, and flower-inserted land and parking lots.
▲Chongqing Real Estate Group has invested in the construction of 474 charging and swapping stations. Photo provided by the interviewed unit
Speed ​​up the layout,More than 150 new supercharging stations will be built this year
The Meiye Road Intelligent Supercharging Demonstration Station is the first intelligent supercharging demonstration station in Chongqing that integrates supercharging, battery replacement, photovoltaics, energy storage, and automobile display functions.
A few days ago, the reporter saw at the scene that at noon, which is generally the low charging period, there were still 6 vehicles charging, and new energy electric vehicles were constantly coming in and out.
The supercharging demonstration station covers an area of ​​about 2,100 square meters, with a total of 28 charging positions (6 reserved) and two battery swap stations.
The station's peak charging hours are from 24:00 to 02:00 at night and from 06:00 to 08:00 in the morning. During peak hours, up to 18 vehicles can charge at the same time, and the average daily service is more than 150 vehicles. In particular, the three liquid-cooled supercharging parking spaces installed in the station and the terminal charging power of 600kW have long been popular. New energy vehicles can travel 300 kilometers with a 5-minute charge.
"The biggest highlight of the station is that it is equipped with a photovoltaic canopy, which can store photovoltaic power for charging." A relevant person in charge of the green energy company said that the station's maximum energy storage is 200 kilowatts per hour, and the maximum installed power generation is 77 kilowatts per hour.
Through market-oriented cooperative operations, the Green Energy Company has put into operation stations with a monthly charging capacity of more than 3.3 million kWh.
▲Chongqing Real Estate Group has invested in the construction of 474 charging and swapping stations. Photo provided by the interviewed unit
"If Chongqing wants to build a world-class intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry cluster, it must accelerate the construction of new energy charging infrastructure." said a relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Commission.
According to the Chongqing New Energy Vehicle Convenient Supercharging Action Plan (2024-2025), Green Energy Company is strictly following the principles of government guidance and market dominance, coordinating resources in a market-oriented manner, and has signed cooperation agreements with various districts and counties for 245 urban stations and 33 township and rural stations, and has deepened the construction of supercharging infrastructure in various districts and counties. It is expected that by the end of the year, more than 150 new supercharging stations and more than 300 supercharging stations will be invested and built to help the central urban area build a "one-kilometer supercharging circle" in 2025.
Activate idle land, transform marginal land and flower-planting land into supercharging stations
“In the past, this vacant land was enclosed by fences, which greatly affected the city’s appearance,” said a person related to the Life Smart Medical Industrial Park.
It is reported that the land of Meiye Road Intelligent Supercharging Demonstration Station has been idle for more than 10 years. However, the industrial park has a large flow of people and vehicles, and there are not enough charging parking spaces in the surrounding area. With the city's "three breakthroughs and one revitalization" reform breakthroughs being fully rolled out, Green Energy Company decided to revitalize this idle land and turn it into an intelligent supercharging demonstration station.
This is just one of the typical cases of Chongqing Real Estate Group's breakthrough in promoting the "three tough tasks and one revitalization" reform, actively revitalizing idle land resources, and accelerating the construction of new energy vehicle charging and swapping infrastructure.
As we all know, due to Chongqing's special terrain and other reasons, there are many "corner lands", "sandwich lands" and "interspersed lands" in the central urban area, which are difficult to develop and utilize. They have been overgrown with weeds and left barren and wasted for many years. Chongqing Real Estate Group has been exploring how to make use of these idle land resources.
With the rapid development of the new energy vehicle industry, Chongqing Real Estate Group decided to revitalize and utilize these idle lands to build charging and swapping stations. In order to scientifically and rationally layout and effectively meet market demand, the group screened the surrounding population density, the maturity of the surrounding municipal roads and other related factors, and determined the development sequence and scale.
A piece of idle land in Tinglan County, Jiulongpo has now been turned into a charging and swapping station covering an area of ​​2,311.7 square meters. It has 14 ordinary parking spaces, 24 charging parking spaces, 12 charging piles (one pile with two guns, each gun is 80KW), and is equipped with a lounge, toilets, car wash and other services, effectively revitalizing idle assets.
Corner lands have been transformed into charging and swapping stations, which also achieve harmony with the surrounding environment. For example, the Yuehu Road Charging and Swapping Station in Liangjiang New District used to be a dead-end road, with garbage and weeds all over the surrounding area. Now the station is equipped with automated car washing facilities, using water recycling technology and rainwater collection systems to wash vehicles; it uses environmentally friendly sponge city technology and is paved with permeable concrete. In particular, flower beds, air-conditioned lounges, toilets and car wash stations are set up in the station, making it a good place for online car-hailing drivers to charge and rest.
Yuyi Charge APP hasAccess to more than 3,000 charging and swapping stations in the city
Nowadays, car owners can use the Yuyi Chong APP to check the location of nearby charging and swapping stations, the number of fast charging piles, usage status, and charging and swapping prices in real time, so that they can grasp the charging information with one click and navigate to the station with one click.
The Yuyi Chong APP was independently developed by the Green Energy Company. It has currently been connected to more than 300 operators and over 3,000 charging and swapping stations.
In response to the differentiated public energy replenishment needs of private cars and online ride-hailing vehicles, Chongqing Real Estate Group will also build three types of charging and swapping stations: green energy and low-carbon centers, smart supercharging demonstration stations, and smart supercharging standard stations. Among them, two green energy and low-carbon centers, Qixinggang Station and Guanghuan Station, will start construction this year to promote the rapid development of Chongqing's intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry.
According to the plan, by the end of 2025, the city will have built more than 2,000 supercharging stations and more than 4,000 supercharging piles, establishing a convenient supercharging ecosystem with balanced layout, convenient charging, intelligent and efficient, complete mechanisms, and advanced technology, to achieve mutual coordination between new energy vehicles and supercharging networks, and integrated interaction with the power grid, to help the city's new energy vehicle industry achieve coordinated and high-quality development.