
The past and present of the Rocket Force ⑥|40 years ago, "Dongfeng Express" unveiled its mystery


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Hello, my little “fire” friends!

Today we continue to talk about the past and present of the Rocket Force.

China's strategic missile force has been shrouded in mystery since the first day of its establishment.

In those years, many people in our country had never heard of the Second Artillery. Even if some people had heard of the "Second Artillery", they often thought it was just an artillery unit. However, we did not know that some countries in the world were extremely "concerned" and tried every means to find out and spy on everything about this unit.

In that special era, we had to take extraordinary measures to ensure the security of the country and its territory. As an important cornerstone of national security and an important weight in the game between major powers, the confidentiality work of the Second Artillery Corps was particularly important.

Because keeping secrets means protecting lives, keeping secrets means protecting victory!

In order to maintain secrecy, when China's strategic missile units were established, they were deployed together with the missile positions in deep mountains and dense forests, snowy forests, and deserts. Even the base offices were in small places far away from the county towns.

Our rocket soldiers, generation after generation, have always strictly adhered to the confidentiality requirements. They never tell their parents, wives, or children about their work. Many soldiers entered the mountains as soon as they joined the army and did not leave until they retired. Some of them had to walk for several hours to get to the nearest village or town.

But they have no regrets, because they know that they are holding the country's "trump card" weapon and doing earth-shaking things. What does this little hardship mean?

It can be said that silence and low-keyness are the characteristics of China's strategic missile forces, but this also leaves a lot of suspense and imagination for the outside world.

Despite the difficult conditions, the Second Artillery Corps has always taken absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability as the genes of its construction and development. This political loyalty has been injected into the blood of officers and soldiers since the day it was established.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the construction of the Second Artillery Corps entered a regular track. As we all know, during this period, my country's reform and opening up had just started, various construction projects developed rapidly, and the entire social atmosphere and people's mental outlook were completely changed.

It was during this period that my country held a grand military parade to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. This military parade was 25 years after the last military parade in my country. The 1984 military parade was later called the most imposing and domineering military parade. Many of our friends did not witness the grand occasion of this military parade. But we can still watch the relevant videos online and appreciate the demeanor of the officers and soldiers who participated in the parade.

There are two main reasons why this military parade was so highly valued: on the one hand, the marching columns participating in the parade marched particularly well, demonstrating the military might and confidence to the world; on the other hand, China's most mysterious unit, the Second Artillery Corps, participated in the parade, and our missile tanks officially made their debut at Tiananmen Square!

Hidden in the Gobi Desert, dormant in the mountains and forests, willing to be an unsung hero, like silent thunder, this has always been the low-key and introverted style and characteristics of the strategic missile force.

However, when organizing the National Day military parade in 1984, Comrade Deng Xiaoping personally made the decision based on the international situation and the military development strategy at the time. Thus, the Second Artillery Corps unveiled its mysterious veil and marched onto Chang'an Avenue.

When the last formation of aircraft flew over Tiananmen Square, China's strategic missile force emerged from the mysterious veil. Twelve tractors carrying medium-range missiles, long-range missiles and intercontinental missiles slowly and neatly drove past the Tiananmen Gate.

The missile officers and soldiers standing on the tractor were all in high spirits, demonstrating the strategic capability of China's most modern high-tech force to look down upon the earth and intimidate the universe.

At that time, the Western ambassadors and military attachés in the foreign guest seats were all stunned. They did not expect that the Chinese strategic missile force, which they had been looking for for decades, would suddenly appear in front of the world in such a posture.

The next day, China's strategic missile force made its debut at Tiananmen Square, which became the most sensational news in the world, appearing on the front pages of major news agencies and newspapers. The whole world was shocked.

At that time, a famous foreign media commented like this, saying: China showed its missile family to the world for the first time today, which is enough to prove its ability to cover every corner of the earth. A sleeping Eastern giant has awakened and dared to say no to the world.

The first appearance of China's strategic missile force at Tiananmen Square won a standing ovation, which fully demonstrated the great achievements made in my country's national defense and military construction, and greatly enhanced the people's sense of honor and pride.

Today, when we look back on this period of history, we are still overwhelmed with emotion. At that time, this, to a certain extent, further strengthened the confidence and courage of the Chinese people to promote reform and opening up and stand firm on the world stage.

Well, my friends, that’s all for today. See you next time!

Author: Mao Xunzheng

Host: Zhou Yuting

Video: Lv Dingxiang
