
The documentary "Letters from Home on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait" is online, and the true feelings in the vicissitudes of life move young audiences


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In the grand narrative, the story of "people" is left with "family" as the anchor. The six-episode humanities documentary "Family Letters Across the Taiwan Strait" is currently being broadcast on Strait TV, Southeast TV and Bilibili.

"Letters from Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait" is directed by Hong Lei. Through family and home letters across the Taiwan Strait, it shows the vicissitudes of life on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the joys and sorrows of countless ordinary people in the great changes of the times, and reproduces the true and inseparable emotions behind the mottled handwriting.

"It is the right time to present such a documentary now. We need to use emotions to awaken the common memories of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so as to achieve true understanding and recognition," said Hong Lei.

After the film was released, it was welcomed by young audiences. The total number of views on Bilibili has exceeded 22 million, and the number of barrage interactions has reached 17,000. This coincides with the original intention of the creators to "make a visual history of Taiwan for young people." Documentary director Zhu Xianliang said that young people's enthusiasm for historical documentaries has never diminished. Although they have not experienced the separation of life and death in those years, "Letters from Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait" uses animation and other artistic techniques to vividly restore that special history, allowing young people to understand the stories of those who experienced and witnessed those years. This is the charm of documentaries.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Yuan Yuner
