
The Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China: Cooperate to promote the resolution of the existing business of P2P online lending institutions and strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the operation of the real estate market and the financial situation


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[Shanghai Headquarters of the Central Bank: Cooperate to promote the resolution of the stock business of P2P online lending institutions and strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the operation of the real estate market and the financial situation] Cailianshe reported on August 5 that the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China held a work meeting for the second half of 2024 on August 2. The meeting required strengthening financial support for the real economy. Guide financial institutions within the jurisdiction to maintain reasonable growth and balanced credit supply. Better play the role of structural monetary policy tools and promote the inclination of financial resources to key areas and weak links. Guide banks to reasonably adjust deposit interest rates. Promote the reduction of the comprehensive financing costs of small and micro enterprises. Do a good job in the "five major articles" of finance and continue to release policy dividends. Give full play to the role of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Financial Alliance platform to promote diversified financing for technology-based enterprises. Accelerate the development of green finance and transitional finance in Shanghai, and strengthen the construction and exchange and cooperation of green financial standards. Deepen the construction of the long-term mechanism of "four loans", guide financial institutions to increase the issuance of first loans, credit loans, and medium- and long-term loans, and promote inclusive small and micro loans to maintain a good trend of "increase in volume, reduction in price, expansion in scope, and optimization of structure". Effectively prevent and resolve financial risks. Strengthen risk monitoring in key areas and steadily promote the resolution of institutional risks. Cooperate to promote the resolution of the existing business of P2P online lending institutions. Strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the operation of the real estate market and the financial situation.