
The online mass line should be “always online”


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According to the 53rd Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet by the China Internet Network Information Center, as of December 2023, the number of Internet users in my country will reach 1.092 billion, and the Internet penetration rate will reach 77.5%. With the popularization of the Internet and smart devices, "self-media" platforms represented by short video platforms have risen rapidly, and the main way for the public to obtain news information has also shifted from newspapers and television to mobile terminals. Due to the "information cocoon" effect brought about by the increasingly rich and diverse content of "self-media" platforms and the precise push of big data algorithms, some netizens are either "dazzled by the rapid changes in various types of information", or their information channels are becoming narrower and narrower, and they lack the ability to distinguish between mainstream media and "self-media", news reports and "false information".
We have entered an era where everyone has a "microphone". Every netizen is a disseminator and participant of online information, and is both a "media" and an "audience". The chaos of "self-media" and netizens' "perspective on news" are two sides of the same coin. If left unchecked, online public opinion will form a dissemination atmosphere of "three people make a tiger". The huge traffic brought by false news that is made to be "true" will prompt more netizens to make a living from "traffic", ultimately leading to a vicious cycle in the online public opinion ecology.
Cyberspace is the spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people. To protect a clear cyberspace, Party members and cadres must firmly adhere to the Marxist view of journalism, always put the people at the center, and ensure that the mass line online does not "fall offline." "We must clearly and unwaveringly adhere to the Party's management of the Internet," give full play to the leading role of the competent departments, tighten the responsibility chain of the competent departments, platforms and "self-media," strengthen the management and supervision of the entire process of "self-media" information registration, content review, live streaming and other behaviors, cut off the profit chain of "toxic traffic" monetization from the root, and make illegal behaviors unprofitable and without fans to increase.
We should establish a firm Internet mindset, give full play to the rigid constraints of the network behavior norms of Party members and cadres, strengthen the positive incentives and reverse constraints, urge them to learn about the Internet, know the Internet, understand the Internet, and use the Internet, take the initiative to go online to contact and serve the masses, remove the stumbling blocks of asking the people for their needs, asking the people for their advice, and asking the people for their results, let the mainstream voice reach the hearts of the people, and promptly cut off the channels for the spread of various network rumors. We should strengthen the construction of network civilization, adhere to the unity of serving the people, educating the people, and guiding the people, maximize the sense of ownership of the majority of netizens, consciously abide by laws and regulations, maintain network order, cultivate a healthy and progressive network culture, better strengthen the backbone, gather positive energy, and boost morale, and build a pattern of co-construction, co-governance, and sharing of cyberspace.
(Author's unit: Organization Department of Honghuagang District Committee of Zunyi City)
Author Qin Shuaiquan
Editor: Li Jian
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