
Reporter's observation: What is the US's intention in urgently sending more troops to the Middle East?


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As the situation in the Middle East is tense, the US Department of Defense recently announced that it will send more fighter jets and warships to the Middle East. What is the purpose of this move by the United States? What impact will it have on the regional situation? Let's take a look at the interpretation of CCTV reporters.
The USS Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group is on high alert for Iran
CGTN Global News Radio reporter Wei Dongxu:In the waters east of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz,The USS Roosevelt nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and two Aegis warships are on standby, apparently to exert greater pressure on Iran.Because the USS Roosevelt nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can dispatch sixty to seventy fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft, namely the Super Hornet fighter jets, to maintain this offensive against Iran, and in addition to the two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers near it, other warships of the US Navy's Fifth Fleet deployed in the Middle East are also on alert.
USS Wasp prevents accidents in Lebanon
CGTN Global News Radio reporter Wei Dongxu:In addition, in the eastern Mediterranean region, the Wasp amphibious assault ship and two other dock landing ships are also on high alert, deployed in areas close to Israel and Lebanon. The Wasp amphibious assault ship can send helicopters and Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft to deliver special forces and Marine Corps assault forces. If the Wasp amphibious assault ship is also equipped with F-35B, a stealth carrier-based aircraft with short-range vertical take-off and landing capabilities, then itIt can even serve as a part-time aircraft carrier to assist Israel in launching air offensives against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Replacing aircraft carriers may be a smokescreen as the US's "double aircraft carriers" increase pressure on Iran
CGTN Global News Radio reporter Wei Dongxu:Moreover, the Pentagon has already announced that it will dispatch the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Lincoln from the Pacific to replace the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt.But this is probably a smokescreen
Once the USS Lincoln is in place, the US Navy may temporarily not allow the USS Roosevelt to return to its home port.Maintaining a dual-carrier battle group and a dual-carrier fleet to exert more military pressure on IranBecause the Lincoln nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is already equipped with F-35C stealth carrier-based aircraft, together with the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier, it will maintain greater pressure on both Iran and the Houthi armed forces in Yemen, and can launch a large-scale offensive at any time.