
Armored formation! A brigade of the 73rd Group Army carried out a maritime combat shooting exercise


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Southeast Sea, the sun is scorching

Armoured troops lined up, cannons roared


A brigade of the 73rd Group Army

Organize maritime combat shooting drills

By shooting at targets of different distances and properties

Check the quality and effectiveness of the team's coordinated attack

Strengthening the maritime combat capability of the amphibious armored unit——

Fight the heat and the storm

It is the norm for amphibious forces.

"Enter the water, execute!"

Facing strong winds and rough sea conditions

The crew members did not hesitate at all.

Quickly drive the tank to attack the target sea area

"Annihilate, execute!"

After entering the shooting channel

The shooting order came immediately

Gunner quickly locks on to the target

Aim, measure distance, and fire in one go

Shells whizzed out one after another

Hitting the Bullseye

Amphibious armored vehicle live-fire shooting at sea

It is a great test of the team's coordination ability.

This training adopts forward shooting,

Various shooting methods such as flank shooting

Higher requirements are placed on the crew members

"Enemy spotted on the left, destroy, execute!"

After discovering the "enemy"

The gunner raced against time to turn the turret to the left

Aim at the target, switch the type of ammunition, and load the shells

With the close cooperation of the crew

The targets were destroyed one by one

Near the beach

The greater the threat of enemy firepower

Each vehicle in the formation immediately fired smoke bombs

The smoke screen dissipated

Forming a gray barrier

Take this opportunity

The vehicles quickly landed on the beach

This combat shooting exercise

Strictly follow the outline requirements

Fixed targets at sea

and sports target shooting

All included in combat shooting range

Effectively temper the officers and soldiers' ability to win battles

Sea dragon, always ready to fight

(Eastern Theater)
