
In the Dzerzhinsk theater, the Russian army has made significant progress. How much territory has it captured now?


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At present, fierce fighting is taking place on the New York Town-Dzerzhinsk side of the Donetsk front.

When the Russian army first launched the "tunneling" raid in Dzerzhinsk, it only deployed the 132nd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 1st Donetsk Army and the "Veterans" Volunteer Brigade.

Later, after the movement towards "New York Town", the Russian army that appeared was the 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 1st Donetsk Army.

Please note that the 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade was originally on the left wing of the Central Group. There were no genuine Russian troops here. The 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade could only draw mobile forces to fight without attacking itself.

As for the New York-Czech Republic direction, after the Ukrainian army reinforced more than 10 brigades, the Russian army's previous troops were definitely not enough.

Therefore, the Russian army also increased its troops and transferred the mobile troops of the 1st Motorized Infantry Brigade of the 1st Donetsk Army to reinforce; but the situation of the 1st Motorized Infantry Brigade is the same as that of the 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for it to go there in an intact unit.

In this case, the Russian army has deployed a total of three motorized infantry brigades of the 1st Donetsk Army and the Veterans Volunteer Brigade in the Czech-New York direction.

It is obvious that even if we follow the full-scale strategy, the Russian troops here do not have an advantage in terms of manpower, and are even at a clear disadvantage.

However, it is still attacking with this little force.

In the direction of New York Town, the Russian army actually only has the 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade here. Even if it participated in the battle in its entirety, it had to deal with two regular brigades, two territorial brigades and two independent battalions of the Ukrainian Army. It would have been good if it could hold the opponent off from counterattacking. As a result, it maintained its offensive and achieved results.

At present, the 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade has consolidated its positions in the river valley, compressed the Ukrainian army's original defense zone to the east, and occupied part of the high ground to the west. The widening of the river valley positions provided a good barrier for the Russian troops attacking the main body of New York town.

After entering the main urban area, the Russian army is currently operating on two wings, forming a preliminary pincer attack on the industrial area in the center of the city; of course, this is not the biggest threat posed by the Russian army's operations.

The recent major progress of the Russian Army's 9th Motorized Infantry Brigade is on the right wing. The combat intention in this direction is probably not only for the central city area of ​​New York, but will also have an effect in the direction of Dzerzhinsk.

Because the Russian offensive in the direction of New York Town and Dzerzhinsk was originally not connected, there were still large areas of field positions in between that had not been cleared.

Of course, the Russian army currently has no plans to directly clear these areas.

The crucial step is that if the Russian troops in the direction of New York Town and Czech City are able to establish contact, the Ukrainian troops in the above-mentioned areas will simply not be able to hold on.

Now, the direction of the Russian army's development is to form a "convergence" of two offensive directions.

So, let's turn to look at the direction of Dzerzhinsk. There were actually two complete lines of defense here before.

Through surprise attacks, the Russian army captured the canal pumping station and Shumi village on the front line, and later cleared Leninsike, completely eliminating the Ukrainian army's front-line positions.

The second-line Ukrainian military positions are Druzhba, Kirové and Artyomovo; these towns are large in size, and although the Russian army has entered them long ago, it is difficult to take over such a large urban area in one go.

Especially after the arrival of Ukrainian reinforcements, the Russian army's progress will become more difficult.

But this is not the case. The Russian army has now captured most of Artyomovo and is approaching the outskirts of the Czech city. In the attack on Kirovë, the Ukrainian army's defenses were also penetrated, and the Russian army has already controlled more than half of this town of 10,000 people.

If the Russian army completely occupied these two towns, then the Russian army would be literally at Dzerzhinsk.

Moreover, with the breakthrough of the Russian army in the direction of Artyomovo and the response in the direction of New York Town, it has become difficult for the Ukrainian army to hold on in the trapped area.

Now that large areas of the positions in this area have been handed over to others, the Ukrainian army will be in danger if the battle line is leveled.

Therefore, the Ukrainian army’s current operations in the entire New York-Dzerzhinsk direction are quite dangerous, and the entire defense line is at risk of being penetrated. It is worth paying attention to how to make subsequent adjustments.