
Wangcheng demolition households can get a maximum reward of 60,000 yuan for buying new houses


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Changsha Xiaoxiang Morning News: Changsha Wangcheng District relocation households have received a major boost in housing purchases. Relocation households within three generations, regardless of the type of housing or the number of housing units, will receive bonuses as long as they purchase newly built commercial housing. Buying a new house will receive a bonus of 20,000, 30,000, or 40,000 yuan or more depending on the size of the house, and buying a project in Hedong, Wangcheng District will receive a bonus of 40,000, 50,000, or 60,000 yuan or more. The above incentive policy is combined with other policies in the district.
On July 31, the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry in Wangcheng District issued the "Implementation Measures for the Preferential Policy of 'Reward as Soon as You Levy' for Relocated People Purchasing New Commercial Housing in Wangcheng District" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures").
According to the Measures, the preferential policy of "reward upon collection" for the purchase of newly built commercial housing by people relocated from Wangcheng District will be valid from the date of issuance of the document to December 31, 2024, and the online signing time of the commercial housing sales contract with the real estate project of this event will be the basis.
The Measures propose that the district government will reward relocated residents with a 10,000 yuan bonus for each newly built commercial housing unit with an online contract area of ​​90 square meters or less (including 90 square meters), a 15,000 yuan bonus for each unit with an online contract area of ​​90 square meters to 144 square meters (including 144 square meters), and a 20,000 yuan bonus for each unit with an online contract area of ​​more than 144 square meters. Relocated residents who purchase newly built commercial housing in the Hedong area of ​​Wangcheng District will receive an additional 10,000 yuan bonus on top of the above bonus standards.
In addition, projects participating in the "reward upon collection" activity for the purchase of newly built commercial housing by people relocated from their homes in Wangcheng District must apply in writing and promise that the corresponding supporting incentive measures will not be lower than the reward subsidy standards of the District People's Government before they can be shortlisted to participate in this activity.
For eligible persons, other housing purchase preferential policies currently implemented in Wangcheng District (such as Wangcheng District’s talent incentive policy and housing purchase deed tax subsidy policy, etc.) can be superimposed according to the effective period of their policies.
The objects and conditions of the preferential policy of "reward upon acquisition" for the relocated people in Wangcheng District to purchase newly built commercial housing (including apartments and shops, etc.) are as follows: (1) the buyer is a direct relative of a household within three generations (including three generations) of the relocated and resettled households in Wangcheng District (including the three towns of Bai, Huang and Jin that have been entrusted); (2) the buyer holds a personnel identity certificate issued by the Wangcheng District Land Acquisition Service Center or the Wangcheng District Urban Housing Acquisition and Compensation Management Office for this activity; (3) the buyer actually purchases a house in a real estate project participating in this activity within the direct jurisdiction of Wangcheng District.
Reporter Liu Li
Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News
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