
"Video" Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night Season 2 recreates the peak concert and ends successfully. Fans are still not satisfied and shout goodbye to the next season


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On the evening of August 3, the second season of the Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night Recreates the Peak Concert was held at the Guigang Sports Center in Guangxi. "Musical Genius" Mao Buyi, "Dolphin Queen" Jane Zhang, Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night Brothers Group Chen Xiaochun, Raymond Lam, and Julian Cheung appeared on the Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night stage and more than 30,000 audiences were enthusiastic and passionately enjoyed the music festival.
The concept of recreating the pinnacle of the second season of Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night runs through all aspects such as stage design, visuals, and lineup. The innovative design and arrangement that control every detail make the entire scene look magnificent. The gorgeous stage background makes the audience feel as if they are in a dream. The scene is bustling and lively.
The "musical genius" Mao Buyi is full of sincerity. He brought his own band to sing "A Journey on the Mountain Road" specially for Guangxi, which is like the outline of distant mountains suddenly broken by the dawn; "Borrow" brings out the graceful and melodious melody of the past, leaving behind the seriousness that cannot be blown away by the evening breeze; "People Like Me" looks for the direction of the future in the night; "The Nameless Man" is a tribute to all those who are upright but ordinary; "Whispers" is the persistence of not wanting to turn around; "An Ordinary Day" makes all the shining moments of life no longer ordinary.
"Dolphin Queen" Jane Zhang performed emotionally, showing off her unique voice in the song "Downstream", and the audience was instantly immersed in it; they experienced the taste of love in "Finally Waiting for You"; they were happy together in the romantic night of "808"; in "Downstream", they fulfilled their dreams; in the "Change" journey of "Chasing Love", they broke through obstacles and greeted every tomorrow; in "If Love Continues", they pursued the eternity of love.
Fans requested songs such as "Hua Xin", "Tianxia Wushuang" and "Secret Love" on the spot, and Jane Zhang sang them directly. Her penetrating high notes were like a clear spring, and even the audience outside the venue could hear them clearly and directly felt the shock of the concert. This warm feedback and care not only allowed everyone present to feel Jane Zhang's unique charm up close, but also made the Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night Season 2 concert an unforgettable memory for the audience.
Raymond Lam's song "Love Finds You in Memories" sounded, and the audience listened to the tenderness that plucked the heartstrings. Jordan Chan's classic songs such as "Depending on Each Other" and "Years of Friendship" gathered together to evoke the audience's romantic memories of classic films. Songs such as "Falling in Love with Aliens" and "Modern Love Story" were sung, and Julian Cheung led the audience to travel through the world of adventure about love.
A wonderful performance is inseparable from the meticulous preparations behind the scenes. The supporting hardware for the second season of Hong Kong People Hong Kong Night has reached the level of a personal concert. Professional dance troupes and live bands have been invited to optimize the audience's on-site experience. The excellent production and the passionate performances of the artists have aroused enthusiastic responses from the audience. After the concert, they were still reluctant to leave and collectively cheered to see them again in the third season!
Source of text and pictures: Organizer of Hong Kong People's Hong Kong Night