
The Shanhai Project short film "What does seawater tea taste like" was shortlisted for the Sapporo International Short Film Festival in Japan


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Good news! The short film "What Does Tea Made from Seawater Taste Like" (2023), directed by Huang Wenli and supported by the Shanhai Project, has been shortlisted for the 19th Sapporo International Short Film Festival in Japan, becoming the only two Chinese directors and Chinese films shortlisted in this festival.
The Sapporo International Short Film Festival & Market is accredited by the Canadian Screen Award Qualifying and is the largest and most respected short film festival in Japan and Asia, attracting 2,800 to 3,500 works of various genres each year. The 19th Sapporo International Short Film Festival will be held from October 11 to 14, 2024.
Previously, "What Does Tea Brewed in Seawater Taste Like" has been shortlisted for the non-competitive unit of the 46th Moscow International Film Festival and the main competition unit of the 8th 86358 Jiajiazhuang Short Film Week.