
There is no vaccine and no specific medicine! How to prevent dengue fever? Let's learn together


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Dengue Fever Cases

Explosive growth in many places

Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Guangzhou and other places

Several confirmed cases have been reported

Once the disease is infected

No vaccine, no specific medicine

Many cases have been found in Zhejiang, and some schools have started investigations

Recently,Multiple cases of dengue fever found in Jiaxing, ZhejiangMany primary schools and kindergartens have been investigating people who have traveled to areas with dengue fever risks, such as the Maldives (Southeast Asia), South America, Africa, Yunnan, and Guangdong, since July 8.

In this regard, the Jiaxing Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued an urgent reminder:When traveling abroad during the summer, be wary of dengue fever.

Guangzhou has reported multiple cases involving 10 districts and 18 towns and streets

Since May, Guangzhou has reported a number of local and imported dengue fever cases. According to Guangzhou CDC, as of August 1, the following10 districts and 18 townsstreetDengue fever outbreak response underway, there is a risk of transmission.

Dengue fever has killed thousands of people worldwide

Data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on August 1 local time showed that since 2024,The number of suspected and confirmed cases of dengue fever in Brazil has risen to 6,436,326, and the number of deaths has risen to 4,939, and another 2,182 deaths are awaiting verification.

The Philippine Department of Health said on July 16 that as of June 29,Philippines reports 90,119 dengue cases this year, of which 233 died.This is a 19% increase compared to the same period last year.


Dengue virus

Acute vector-borne diseases

How does it spread?

What are the symptoms if infected?

Let’s find out together!

Watch out for these two deadly mosquitoes!

Because of the severe pain caused by infection,Dengue fever is also known as "breakbone fever". Dengue fever is not "transmissible from person to person"The main way of transmission is through the bites of two "flower-armed flying insects" - Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti.

Aedes albopictus

Aedes aegypti

Only when the mosquito sucks the blood of an infected person and replicates the virus in its body, can it spread the virus the next time it bites someone else, that is:“Patients → Aedes → Others”propagation path.

How to tell if you have dengue fever?

The typical symptoms of dengue fever can be summarized as: sudden high fever + three reds + three pains + rash.

Sudden high fever:The body temperature can rise to 39 or 40 degrees Celsius within 24 to 36 hours.threeredThat is, flushing of the face, neck, and chest.threepainSevere headache, joint pain all over the body, and muscle aches.rash:A congestive rash or a punctate hemorrhagic rash may appear on the limbs, trunk, head, or face.

There is currently no vaccine or specific medicine!

There is currently no approved vaccine for dengue fever on the market., which means that there is currently no way to prevent dengue fever through vaccination.

at the same time,There is currently no effective antiviral drug, mainly symptomatic treatment measures are taken. The treatment principle isEarly detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, early mosquito prevention and isolation. Early identification and timely treatment of severe cases are the key to reducing the mortality rate.

The best way to prevent dengue fever

Don't be bitten by mosquitoes

at presentDengue fever cases in my country are mainly imported casesFriends who plan to take their children on overseas trips during the summer vacation should pay special attention to the following protective measures.

Three preparations before going out

Understand the local dengue fever epidemic situation; prepare loose, light-colored long-sleeved clothing and pants; prepare mosquito repellent products.

Three things to note during your trip

Remember to wear long-sleeved shirts, try to choose light colors, use mosquito repellent products when going out, and avoid staying in the shade of trees, grass, pavilions, etc.

Stay in the hotel to pay attention to mosquito prevention and mosquito control, you can use mosquito nets, mosquito coils, mosquito repellent aerosols, etc. in the room. If you have suspicious symptoms such as high fever, pain, rash, etc. during your trip,Pay attention to timely medical treatment

Three things to pay attention to after returning home

Be careful when entering the countryIf you develop a fever, report it to customs immediately.Pay attention within 14 days after returning homeIf you have a fever, seek medical attention immediately and inform your travel history to avoid delaying the disease and causing severe illness. Both dengue fever infected people and latent carriers are sources of infection. In order to prevent the disease from spreading to family members or others, when you are receiving treatment at home or in hospital,Take precautionary measures

Typical dengue mortality rate is less than 1%

But if not treated in time

If the disease is delayed until it becomes serious, the mortality rate will exceed 20%.

Therefore, once suspected symptoms appear

Seek medical attention promptly

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