
Russian submarines and air defense systems have been hit by Ukrainian troops. How can they fight against F-16 fighters in this state?


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Ukraine launched a series of successful attacks, sinking an advanced Russian submarine and destroying Russia's S-400 air defense system.

This information shows that Ukraine's missile and drone attack capabilities are gradually increasing, and the Russian air defense system is not enough to cope with Ukrainian air strikes.

On August 3, the Ukrainian General Staff reported that an attack was launched on Sevastopol, Crimea, with the cooperation of missile forces and naval forces, sinking the improved Kilo-class submarine "Rostov-on-Don".

In addition, Ukrainian troops hit an ammunition depot at Morozovsk Airport and several oil depots and fuel storage facilities.

The "Rostov-on-Don" submarine that the Ukrainian army claimed to have sunk this time can be said to be one of Russia's most unlucky submarines.

As early as September 2023, when Ukraine used cruise missiles to attack the port of Sevastopol, it blew several large holes in the "Rostov-on-Don" submarine. From the pictures taken at the scene, the entire submarine was severely burned, and at least two large holes on the submarine were still smoking. At that time, foreign media generally speculated that the submarine must have lost its combat effectiveness and might be directly scrapped.

However, Russia did not choose to scrap this advanced submarine, but secretly built a maintenance roof in Sevastopol and then repaired the "Rostov-on-Don" underneath.

This time, the Ukrainian army once again used cruise missiles to accurately hit the "Rostov-on-Don" submarine which was under repair, causing the submarine to sink. As for whether there were any casualties, there is no news so far.

Why did the Ukrainian army have to destroy the "Rostov-on-Don" submarine? The direct reason is that this submarine carries a large number of "Caliber" cruise missiles. After the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the submarine has launched missile attacks on Ukraine many times, and naturally became a thorn in the Ukrainian army's side and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Some people say that Russia’s air defense system is very powerful. It has S-400, S-300 and other air defense weapons. Why can’t it stop the Ukrainian army’s missiles?

In fact, even the Russian air defense system was hit by the Ukrainian army. This time, the Ukrainian army's missiles directly hit the Russian S-400 "Triumph" air defense system deployed in the port of Sevastopol, causing serious damage to four launch devices.

At the same time that the Ukrainian army successfully attacked the Russian port, Ukrainian President Zelensky confirmed that the first batch of F-16 fighter jets donated by NATO countries had arrived in Ukraine and were put into actual combat. In the pictures released by Zelensky, the Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets were equipped with American air-to-air missiles, indicating that these fighter jets were likely to be mainly used for air combat to deal with Russian combat aircraft.

Perhaps, when the Ukrainian army destroyed the Russian air defense system and long-rangeradarAfter that, the Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets will actually enter the battlefield and then inflict further damage to the Russian air and ground forces. How the Russian army will deal with the Ukrainian army's various air strikes is worthy of follow-up attention.