
Critical moment! Over 14 billion yuan of bargain hunting


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China Fund News reporter Tian Xin

On August 5 (this Monday), peripheral stock markets weakened sharply, and the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets also continued their adjustment trend. The three major indexes all fell by more than 1%. The Shanghai Composite Index fell below 2,900 points again, and funds continued to bottom out through ETFs.

Data on fund flows in the stock ETF market showed that ETFs saw a net inflow of over 14 billion yuan on Monday, with broad-based ETFs still leading the way in attracting funds. Among them, the CSI 300 ETF, SSE 50 ETF, Sci-Tech Innovation Board 50 ETF, and SSE Index ETF saw the largest net inflows.

It is worth mentioning that since August, stock ETFs as a whole have shown a net inflow of funds, and have accumulated more than 23 billion yuan in funds.

Net capital inflow in a single day exceeded 14 billion yuan

According to Wind data statistics, as of August 5, the total scale of 910 stock ETFs (including cross-border ETFs) in the market was 2.28 trillion yuan.

The fund flow of stock ETFs shows that under the volatile market, funds mainly flowed in on Monday. It is estimated that the net inflow of stock ETFs on that day exceeded 14 billion yuan.

Judging from the net buying rankings, there were 17 stock ETFs with a net inflow of more than 100 million yuan on Monday, of which 11 were broad-based. The CSI 300 ETF, SSE 50 ETF, Sci-Tech Innovation Board 50 ETF, and SSE Index ETF became the main "money-attracting" funds.

Specifically, among the broad-based indices, the CSI 300 ETFs under Huatai-PineBridge, E Fund, GF Securities, and Hua Xia received a total net inflow of more than 6.7 billion yuan on the day. In the past five trading days, the above CSI 300 indices received a net inflow of more than 22 billion yuan.

In addition, Huaxia SSE 50 ETF received a net inflow of more than 2.951 billion yuan on the same day, Huaxia and E Fund's Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 ETF both received a net inflow of more than 400 million yuan, and the net inflow of funds of the Fuguo SSE Index ETF also exceeded 300 million yuan. In addition, Huaan ChiNext 50 ETF, E Fund ChiNext ETF, and Huabao CSI 100 ETF ranked first in net inflow.

In terms of industry themes, Guolian An Semiconductor ETF received a net inflow of 533 million yuan, while Guotai Chip ETF, Harvest Science and Technology Chip ETF, and Hua Xia Chip ETF had a net inflow of around 200 million yuan. Wanjia Dividend ETF, GF Innovative Drug ETF, GF Hong Kong Stock Innovative Drug ETF, and Yinhua Innovative Drug ETF also had relatively high net inflows.

The pace of net inflows of ETF funds under the leading fund companies continues. Data shows that on August 5, the total net inflow of funds under E Fund Management Co., Ltd. was 2.644 billion yuan, of which E Fund received a net inflow of 1.863 billion yuan for the CSI 300 ETF, helping the scale of the product reach 171.915 billion yuan; in addition, the Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 ETF and the ChiNext ETF also received a net inflow of more than 100 million yuan.

Among Hua Xia Fund's ETFs, the SSE 50 ETF received a net inflow of 2.951 billion yuan, with a scale of 125.595 billion yuan; the CSI 300 ETF Hua Xia received a net inflow of 732 million yuan, with a scale of 120.458 billion yuan; the Science and Technology Innovation 50 ETF received a net inflow of 476 million yuan, with a scale of 69.074 billion yuan.

CSI 1000ETF, CSI 500ETF, and wine ETF had the largest net outflows

On August 5, the overall net outflow of stock ETFs was not obvious.

Judging from the net outflow of funds, on Monday, only two stock ETFs had a net outflow of more than 100 million yuan, with CSI 1000 ETF, CSI 500 ETF, wine ETF and Hong Kong Stock Connect 50 ETF ranking the top in "bleeding".

Among the top 20 stock ETFs with the largest net outflows, there are three CSI 1000-related ETFs, with a total net outflow of more than 350 million yuan; four dividend-themed ETFs have a total net outflow of 122 million yuan. In addition, wine ETFs, communications ETFs, bank ETFs, etc. also have net outflows to varying degrees.

Overall, if newly listed ETFs are excluded, stock ETFs have been dominated by net capital inflows in the three trading days since August, with a total of more than 23 billion yuan in capital attracted.

Among them, the CSI 300 ETF under Huatai-PineBridge, Hua Xia, E Fund, GF and other public funds had a net inflow of about 9.7 billion yuan, accounting for nearly half; Hua Xia SSE 50 ETF had a net inflow of 3.551 billion yuan, the ChiNext ETF under E Fund and Hua An had a net inflow of over 1.7 billion yuan, and the Science and Technology Innovation 50 ETF under Hua Xia and E Fund had a net inflow of over 1.6 billion yuan.

Industry insiders analyzed that as overseas liquidity easing gradually approaches, the expected improvement under the accumulation of positive policies and the low valuations are coupled, A-shares are waiting for the return of value.

Editor: Captain

Audit: Wooden Fish

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