
Shoigu visits Iran


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According to CCTV News, at the invitation of Ahmadian, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, a high-level Russian delegation led by Sergei Shoigu, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, arrived in Tehran, the capital of Iran, on the 5th.

Iran said the visit aims to strengthen bilateral interactions and hold consultations on regional and international political security issues.

On the 5th, Iranian President Pezhashyan met with visiting Russian Security Council Secretary Shoigu in Tehran.

Pezeshitsyan said that Iran and Russia are strategic partners with deepening relations, and developing strategic relations with Russia is one of Iran's diplomatic priorities. The two countries should implement the previously reached agreement as soon as possible. Pezeshitsyan stressed that cooperation with Russia at the regional and international levels will be strengthened.Pezeshitsyan also condemned Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip and the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh. Shoigu said that Russia believes that strengthening cooperation with Iran at the bilateral, regional and international levels is of great significance.

Shoigu also met with Iranian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Bagheri on the same day. The two sides exchanged views on bilateral defense and military relations and discussed regional and international situations. Bagheri said that the relationship between Iran and Russia is far-reaching and strategic, and will not be affected by the change of government. The relationship between the two countries will continue to be strengthened in the future. Shoigu said that Russia is ready to cooperate fully with Iran in the field of regional affairs.He condemned the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh and said the masterminds of such crimes were those who wanted to increase tensions in the region.