
Luo Yonghao responded to Yu Minhong's friend's accusation of "five sins": There is no fact, only "rogue big-character posters"


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Public opinion about the "stingy" relationship between Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong continues to ferment.

Regarding the fact that Yu Minhong's 20-year old friend exposed Luo Yonghao's five sins, Luo Yonghao's rumor-refuting account was released today (6th)WeiboIn response, he said: "Teacher Tie is known to the world for never saying a bad word about others. Is it because there are always these 'friends of 20 years' who come to his aid at critical moments? Look at this rogue poster that contains no facts and is just a bunch of venting. Aren't you ashamed to make friends with such people?" Luo Yonghao revealed that he will write a clarification draft this afternoon to respond to this matter in a reasonable and coherent manner.

Last night, someone claiming to be Yu Minhong's 20-year old friend exposed Luo Yonghao's five sins:

1. Sin: Lack of self-discipline, irresponsibility, outspokenness, unscrupulous means, and a clown with extremely bad character;

2. Sins: repeatedly and deliberately creating discord between the interests of the enterprise and individual employees, causing market disorder and being a troublemaker;

3 sins: being ungrateful and ungrateful;

4 deadly sins: sowing discord, killing three birds with one stone;

5 deadly sins: being ignorant and completely ignoring speculators who focus on entrepreneurship.

According to the pictures circulated online, the whistleblower Zhang Xiang met Yu Minhong 22 years ago through Li Yang, the founder of Fengxuyu, and they have been friends for many years. He said that after communicating with Yu Minhong, Yu Minhong would not respond to Luo Yonghao's miserly quarrel.

Luo Yonghao first called Yu Minhong a "stingy person" last year.Oriental SelectionDuring the "Little Composition" incident, he supported Dong Yuhui and criticized Yu Minhong for being unfair to Dong Yuhui and unwilling to share the benefits, calling him a "stingy person". Recently, after Dongfang Zhenxuan announced its "breakup" with Dong Yuhui, Luo Yonghao once again mocked Yu Minhong in a live broadcast, calling him a "stingy person" and "iron teacher".

On July 26, Luo Yonghao said in a live broadcast that he had no sympathy for Yu Minhong, but just had complicated feelings, and criticized Yu Minhong for causing the market value of Oriental Selection to shrink significantly. Luo Yonghao also said that he had not let Yu Minhong down and did not need to apologize.

On July 27, Luo Yonghao published another long article, continuing to criticize Yu Minhong for failing to distribute benefits fairly and being unfair to Dong Yuhui. Netizens have different opinions on this, some support Luo Yonghao's outspokenness, while others believe that Yu Minhong is not a "miser". Investor Zheng Gang also published a video criticizing Luo Yonghao, saying that he had ill intentions in the Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui incident, and questioned the source of Luo Yonghao's repayment.

Recently, pictures circulated online showed that the Jiaogepengyou company sent an urgent notice to its authorized slice accounts on the evening of August 3, requiring them to remove all negative videos involving Luo Yonghao talking about Yu Minhong before 24:00 on August 3, otherwise the authorization would be revoked. This is because there have been a large number of negative comments about Luo Yonghao criticizing Yu Minhong recently. The notice clearly stated that the words "iron teacher", "iron rooster" and "Yu Minhong" cannot be used. However, on the official account of Jiaogepengyou and some authorized slice accounts, there are still slice videos of Luo Yonghao talking about "iron rooster" and "iron teacher".