
Diablo 4 Players Found a "Secret" Unique Gear, But It's Bad


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The Diablo series has always been full of secrets, such as the famous "cow level", which has led many players to frantically search for these secrets. But this time they found a secret piece of equipment that no one would want.

The item is a ring called the Ring of Misfortune. The game's data miners have known about this cutoff for a while, but it was unclear how to obtain it in the game. The first player to find it, Reddit user Sowhatsthecatch, said that some of the requirements for obtaining the item are still "a bit uncertain," but it seems to require a group of players to all have the Altar of Greed buff.

The player further explained how to obtain the ring: First, you need to form a team of 5 players with different professions and loot a specific corpse with the Greedy Altar Buff to obtain the "Lucky Coin" item. After that, all team members need to throw their lucky coins into Skogren's Wishing Well and obtain the title of "Wisher" and this secret unique equipment.

According to the description of the Ring of Misfortune, it looks like "a seemingly ordinary ring" that gives the wearer +13 to all primary attributes, +13 to armor, thorn damage, maximum health and health regeneration per second, and +13% to all elemental resistances. These are all weak attribute improvements, but its special effect is why it is called "Misfortune" - "Lucky Shot: 100% chance to lose all your resources." Each profession has a different primary resource that is used to use more powerful skills, but after equipping this ring, the player may lose all resources when hitting an enemy, which is a bit too bad.

No player in their right mind would actually equip this ring, but it's still an interesting secret that's finally been revealed. Some players believe that this ring may be related to the "cow level" in Diablo 4 that has not yet been discovered, but the discoverer said in the forum: "There is currently no indication that it is related to anything else."

Blizzard will likely add even more secrets to the game when the game's first expansion, Body of Hatred, launches on October 8.