
The movie that Jackie Chan risked his life to make is really mediocre and boring!


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As a representative of the action film industry, Jackie Chan successfully stood out in the craziest era of Hong Kong films with his "suicidal" life-threatening approach.

Not only did it dominate the Hong Kong film industry in the 1980s, it swept the world in the 1990s, and even ushered in a second spring in its career after 2000. "The Myth", "The Baby Project", "Chinese Zodiac", and "Dragon Blade" have repeatedly set new box office records and are almost firmly in the top five domestic films of the year. The super bad movie "Kung Fu Yoga" is even more popular!

Among all Jackie Chan’s “suicidal” action movies, the one that must be mentioned most is “Dragon Brothers”.

This movie not only nearly cost Jackie Chan his life and made him grow long hair from then on, but also in the 2000s, with the succession of "The Myth", "Chinese Zodiac" and "Kung Fu Yoga", Jackie Chan became one of the top actors at the time, and his halo was even more brilliant.The influence of "Dragon Brothers" on Jackie Chan even exceeds that of the two major series "Project A" and "Police Stories" on Jackie Chan.

"Dragon Brothers" was produced by Golden Harvest Films Co., Ltd., co-directed by Eric Tsang and Jackie Chan, written by Tang King-sang, John Sheppard, and Szeto Cheuk-hon, and starred by Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, and Rosamund Kwan. It was released in Hong Kong, China on January 21, 1987, and won a box office of 35.469 million Hong Kong dollars, winning the annual box office championship and breaking the Hong Kong film history record set by "A Better Tomorrow". Moreover,Its global box office reached 21 million, ranking 10th among the top 50 Hong Kong films in the 1980s.

Not only was it shortlisted for the Hong Kong Film Awards the following year and nominated for Best Action Director, but it also received a score of 7.5 from 35,000 people on Douban.

From Luoxue's personal point of view, the film has a compact story and thrilling action scenes. Alan Tam and Jackie Chan, one is responsible for the comedy and the other is responsible for the action, making the whole movie full of Jackie Chan's usual joyful comedy elements, allowing people to feel the joy in the world of movies.

Speeding, fighting, extreme jumping, these "Jackie Chan-style" elements allow the audience to clearly feel the burst of adrenaline during the viewing process. Moreover, although the overall story of this film is not outstanding, there are no obvious bugs.Even now, this film is still a high-quality action film.

However, apart from the sensory stimulation, the film has a weak plot, as is typical of Jackie Chan's films! The plot is simple and boring, with nothing that can make people's eyes light up or fall into contemplation, and it can never make the audience empathize.The story as a whole is extremely deliberate, and there are also strong "sudden interruptions", which prevents the audience from seeing an interesting and profound story.

Even, it can be said without hesitation,This is a seriously overrated film, it is utterly mediocre and very boring!

The following is a serious spoiler. For those who haven't seen it, I suggest you watch the show first and then watch Luoxue's recommendation! (For those who don't have the channel, you can click Luoxue on the menu homepage to watch the movie)

1. Thrilling

It is difficult for Jackie Chan's movies to have a profound core like "Shinjuku Incident", but in terms of pure sensory stimulation, it is almost the best in the industry, especially the last minute or so of the movie, which is the core and highlight of the entire movie.

The most obvious feature of "Dragon Brothers" is actually the simple plot + excellent sensory stimulation, which allows the audience to watch a simple and beautiful movie in the most relaxing and enjoyable way.

The core story of this film is actually very simple, that is, the cult organization wants to get the other 3 God Armor, to put together a set (5 pieces) of God Armor, to fool their believers. However, they don't want to spend money to buy it, so they kidnapped Alan's girlfriend and asked Alan to find Jack, and let Jack steal the remaining 3 God Armor. So Jack borrowed 3 God Armor, sneaked into the cult base, rescued his friend's girlfriend, and a series of interesting stories happened.

In essence, although "Dragon Brothers" has treasure hunting adventure elements, it is far from a real treasure hunting adventure film., is a police and gangster film with treasure-hunting elements. Compared with the "Police Story Series", it is just a different shell.

The simplicity of the story allows the audience to not have to think and can capture their attention at the first moment. The large number of difficult action scenes and funny scenes in the movie allow the audience to immerse themselves in it without any scruples.

For example, the movie begins with Jackie Chan going to a primitive tribe to steal the Holy Sword. The wonderful fighting scenes and Jackie Chan's performance make the movie full of joy. The imitation of the statue and the beer smoke bomb are full of joy, and the whole escape process is extremely exciting. The design of the grass skiing chase adds to the thrill.

However, the most hilarious part of the film is when Alan goes to steal May's God's Armor, and Jack's various on-the-spot responses to May are full of joy. At the same time, the best thing about Jackie Chan's movies is thatHis comedy segments don't feel forced, they just feel natural.Moreover, this kind of comedy exists in every scene of the movie, which greatly enhances the viewing atmosphere.

The car racing and fighting scenes in the movie also achieve a perfect combination of thrills and comedy. For example, the car chase is full of thrills, and the final escape by car adds a sense of comedy.

Jackie Chan's battle with the four female warriors, on the one hand, was well coordinated, making the entire action scene smooth, and on the other hand, by holding his heels and walking on tiptoes, the turnaround in the action scene had a reasonable reason, which also increased the comedy of the movie. The design of jumping from the cliff to the hot air balloon at the end was very bold and exciting.

In addition, apart from the two major sensory stimulations of comedy and excitement, the most praiseworthy aspect of Jackie Chan's movies is their authenticity!

The reality in "Dragon Brothers" is mainly the reality of the villains and the reality of the group fight. The reality of the villains lies in the fact that they break the traditional setting of traditional movies that once they sneak into the cult, they must be difficult to find. In this film, Jack was discovered by the villain as soon as he sneaked into the cult. The villain even deliberately cooperated with Jack to act in order to make Jack succeed.

Another truth of the movie is that even though the characters played by Jackie Chan are all extremely powerful,When two fists face four hands, it is still difficult to resist, such as the battle in the park fitness corner in "Police Story 2" and the battle with the four female kings at the beginning of this film.He was cleverly cooperated with by his opponent and was unable to defend himself, which made it seem extremely real.

However, in addition to sensory stimulation,This film is very mediocre in terms of story, even boring, and the whole story has a strong sense of deliberateness.This is also the fundamental reason why, although the film broke the box office record, it only received one award, Best Action Director, and was only nominated.

2. Mediocre stories

In addition to sensory stimulation,This filmaskThe title is deeply mediocre, and the arrangement is deliberately artificial. The whole story is full of deliberate foreshadowing and unreasonable advancement.It’s as if the male protagonist has a desire to become a hero, but his ability is not good enough, and everyone deliberately acts with him in order to help him realize his dream.

This deliberate lowering of intelligence and poor performance makes the whole story look extremely twisted, and one feels uncomfortable, as if there is a thorn in the back, a fishbone stuck in the throat, and sitting on pins and needles.

For example, Jackie Chan and Alan Tam went to the Earl's house to borrow three pieces of God's Armour. Jack and the Earl had only two trading relationships, but the Earl not only let Jack enter the castle, he even took them to see his collection, allowing them to find the three pieces of God's Armour, and even took the initiative to let them stay overnight, triggering the theft. He asked his daughter to bring the three pieces of God's Armour to help Jack, in order to obtain the complete five pieces of God's Armour.

It seems that the Count was shrewd and cunning, but in the process, Amy fell in love with Jack, and Jack did not get the complete God's Armor in the end, and Amy did not even strictly supervise Jack. In other words,The director deliberately came up with weird reasons to keep the story going, but completely ignored this line.

Similarly, the so-called vehicle chase scene is completely unnecessary. It seems like it was deliberately designed because the movie needs an exciting chase scene. There are even obvious traces of design!

Why did the villains only send two people out to rob the God's Arms and hide the rest in an empty alley? Why not send all of them out to prepare a more thorough deployment? The design of crashing into the dining table in the movie simply has no reason to exist. Anyway, the car crashed into it for no reason, presenting a more exciting chase scene, but such a scene and such a design are actually completely unnecessary.

In addition, the biggest conflict in this film is that they wanted to get the Asian Eagle for free, so they resorted to kidnapping.

"We want to ask Eagle to help us get the rest of God's Arms, but it doesn't cost any money."A massacre at the Paris Fashion Show, kidnapping Rona, and then a fierce car chase, and the use of obedient drugs, asking prostitutes to cooperate with Eagle to rescue people. The whole process is actually much more valuable than the cost of directly asking Eagle to steal it back at a high price.

But if they really paid a high price, there would be no subsequent stories, so in order to discover the stories, these cult members had to adopt the most stupid plans.

It can be said that the stories in each chapter of the entire movie are as deliberate and twisted as the part about "getting something for free" from Asian Eagle.The story itself has very weak driving force, which is completely different from Jackie Chan's "Shinjuku Incident" which is driven by the plot.Moreover, the film has a weak internal thrust, many logical problems, and the "flaws" inherent in Jackie Chan's films.

3. Inherent “problems”

The biggest problem with Jackie Chan's movies is that the overall story is too simple and unthoughtful, which is completely different from Jet Li's "Tsui Hark series" and "Chen Kexin series", and is even much worse than Stephen Chow's "Justice, My Foot" and "Kung Fu".

But what is even more speechless is thatThere are too many story lines in Jackie Chan's movies that end in vain.

For example, the Earl lent Jack three pieces of God's Arms on the condition that Jack had to return five, but the movie ended abruptly after Jack was rescued, and the Earl's God's Arms plot was suddenly cut off. Jack and Amy's relationship was also suddenly cut off, and Rona's ambiguity with Jack also suddenly disappeared. In "Project Condor", there was no explanation for the plot of "Serious Brothers".

It can be said that the entire story line is full of such designs that ended in vain. At the same time, there are also many small bugs in the movie.

For example, the Sword of the Holy Spirit in the Armed Forces of God during the European religious war thousands of years ago was actually taken back by Jack from the wild tribe in Africa. This span is a bit too big. The movie's remarks on money religion and cults, although thought-provoking, also have a sense of deliberateness.

Overall, if you only regard this film as an ordinary popcorn movie, it is still good, butIf you look closely at this film, you will find a lot of problems and bugs. The whole film is too mediocre and boring.Compared with "Project Eagle" which was written, directed and acted by Jackie Chan later, the gap is not just a little bit.

Okay, let’s stop here for today. If you think what Luoxue said makes some sense, please repost, comment and like it. If you want to understand a movie from different dimensions or want to watch a good movie, please follow Luoxue. Thank you!

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