
Spider-Man 2 Unofficial PC Mod Makes Mary Jane Pretty and Naked


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Thanks to the Brazilian team, we can play the unofficial PC version of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. The team is constantly updating the game, and the latest version is 1.5.3, which is 35GB in size. The new version further improves the quality of the PC version and supports custom modifications. A mod author also released a Mary Jane mod to make her more beautiful and naked.

The mod author said that it was not an easy task to undress Mary Jane. Because she lacked basic textures, and the arrangement of the original files made it very inconvenient to edit any operations on the character model. In fact, the mod author had to redraw Mary Jane's model and redesign the structure.

Early design of Mary Jane

The modders thought the heroine's design was disappointing and wanted to completely change her. They managed to find an early design of Mary Jane that was closer to the comics. They reworked her appearance and form based on that design.