
Why did the first round regular script in stele calligraphy become ugly?


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This person is Wang Yong, who is well-known! When I mention his name, I will think of Jin Yong, a famous martial arts writer in Hong Kong.

Wang Yong and Jin Yong both have the character "Yong" in their names. We can also use the "split" method. Wang Yong is Wang Jin Yong. It's very interesting! Although it's a joke, it's also a kind of respect! Teacher Wang Yong is the real master!

"Yong" originally means a big bell used to express the rhythm when playing the zither in ancient times. The big bell symbolizes sacredness and solemnity. If it does not make a sound, it will shake the whole world! And Wang Yong is one of them!

Mr. Wang Yong is an important figure in the Chinese literary world! He is a practitioner and advocate of the "popular calligraphy style". His popular style is like a shot of adrenaline to the lifeless calligraphy circle, and the entire calligraphy world is full of vitality!

Wang Yong is undoubtedly a very controversial calligrapher! He is not only a practitioner and pioneer of traditional calligraphy, but also built a traditional Chinese calligraphy empire from the two aspects of official script and brick script; and the "popular calligraphy" he pioneered has caused quite a stir in the entire calligraphy world!

This calligrapher, who calls himself the owner of "Bie Shu Tu Zhai" and "Ding Lou", has a "double-sided" personality with both "positive" and "negative" aspects! However, many people also think that this ugly calligraphy was caused by him alone, and his negative influence is much greater than his positive influence, which is really sad and lamentable!

In his early years, Mr. Wang Yong was indeed immersed in the world of traditional Chinese calligraphy! Starting with official script, he blossomed a brilliant flower in the field of official script.

The two characters "Shou Er Kang" show the master's style! A closer look at his works shows that he combines the characteristics of official script, seal script and stele script, making the Zhang Qian Stele a vigorous, simple, square, varied, simple, luxuriant and rigorous calligraphy style.

At the same time, Wang Yong also fully embodies the charm of stele calligraphy in this work! Most stele calligraphy uses square strokes, but "round-stroke stele calligraphy" is his favorite. This is why he is called "the first person in regular script"!

The style of Wang Yong's works is indeed difficult to define, and it can be said to be a hodgepodge of various styles! This painting is a microcosm of the "Five Styles of Calligraphy", combining seal, official, regular, running, and cursive scripts.

Looking at calligraphers throughout the ages, they all pursued a naive, simple and straightforward style, which was even very similar to the "childish style" of Hongyi, Xie Wuliang and others.

However, some calligraphers, seemingly "naive", are actually "rustic". They try to conceal their traditional skills and copy and paste, which eventually turns into an ugly and weird book that makes people laugh and cry!

Some scholars believe that Wang Yong's inscriptions are the most representative of the Han and Wei styles and are close to the "Han spirit". This is a very appropriate statement! Why should we admire the Han and Wei style? Cultural expert Fu Lei once said: "Since the Han and Wei dynasties, people's hearts have been relatively close, with a strong smell, vast and boundless, and they have lasted for a long time."

Fu Lei's words pointed out the fundamental reason for admiring the Han and Wei calligraphy styles, which is that they are primitive, authentic, simple and straightforward. All of this depends on the writer's understanding and application of the art of calligraphy.

It cannot be denied that some predecessors sought the expression and freedom of individuality in the art of calligraphy in the name of "primitive", "simplicity", "naivety" and "spontaneity". The result is often a deviation from tradition. The harder they "try", the further they deviate from their own style.

Many famous artists have their paintings on stage, which seem to be "weird" and even become "clowns", which only make the calligraphy "a mess".

There is no doubt that Wang Yong has set a precedent in the world of calligraphy! He, He Yinghui, Wo Xinghua, and Bao Xianlun are known as the "Four Sages of Calligraphy". These four people are all very important figures in the Chinese literary world. Their influence is both positive and negative!

The "Four Sages of Calligraphy" headed by Wang Yong can be said to be all burdened with the title of "ugly calligraphy" and are represented by "ugly calligraphy". Although "ugly calligraphy" is difficult to define, with such a bad reputation, it will be considered an ugly book.

It is difficult to define ugly calligraphy, because the calligraphy world now advocates "artistic quality"! To understand art, one must have a comprehensive aesthetic ability! For "art", some people have a rational understanding, some have an unreasonable interpretation, and some even make calligraphy unrecognizable and call it "artistic creation"!

What is ridiculous is that people who can write "good characters" are criticized for "writing characters", which has nothing to do with "calligraphy art"! This is also one of the reasons why calligraphy is so popular. Because the popularization of calligraphy means "artification", and this is exactly what Wang Yong did!

Mr. Wang Yong devoted all his energy to his favorite popular calligraphy, and spared no effort to advocate for it, which ultimately led to "self-harm" and hurting others.

The popular calligraphy advocated by Wang Yong is indeed too highbrow for the masses! His calligraphy may be a supreme art in the eyes of "high-brow" experts and scholars, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a kind of "garbage" that people can't bear to look at! Zeng Xiang and Wo Xinghua are all like this!

The popularity of Wang Yong's calligraphy has positive reasons, but many people also think that it is a kind of sensationalism and eye-catching behavior. The public's aversion to it is getting stronger and stronger, and Wang Yong's reputation has been greatly affected! This has also greatly changed everyone's taste for his calligraphy!

What do you think of Wang Yong's calligraphy? Comments are welcome!