
From the "blue screen incident": "Network Guardian" is actually "The Matrix"


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Source: Ministry of National Security

Recently, a major technical failure occurred in Microsoft's Windows operating system, causing "blue screen crashes" on nearly 10 million Windows devices around the world. Information systems in the fields of transportation, finance, medical care, government affairs, etc. in many countries around the world have been seriously affected, and some have even been paralyzed due to inability to operate, resulting in a global network security crisis.

Extremely irresponsible "network guard"

The main reason for the "blue screen incident" was that when the US cybersecurity company CrowdStrike was performing routine updates on its Falcon platform, the update program running at the operating system driver layer contained a serious code error, causing the entire Windows operating system to crash and "blue screen". For such an important driver-level program update, CrowdStrike did not conduct strict program inspection and testing before pushing the installation on a large scale, which led to a serious global accident and caused irreparable huge losses to users around the world.

This "blue screen incident" is not the first time that the United States has caused a serious global accident due to a security software update error. In May 2007, after the American antivirus software manufacturer Symantec updated the virus database, the Windows XP operating system had a blue screen and restart phenomenon; in July 2009, the American antivirus software manufacturer McAfee released a virus database update, which caused the Windows system to blue screen; in April 2010, another virus database update released by McAfee again had a false alarm, causing millions of Windows XP operating systems around the world to have blue screen crashes. The United States has been immersed in the false persona of "global network guard", always talking about safety, but ignoring real safety, and has become the biggest threat to global network security with an extremely irresponsible attitude.

The rampant "Matrix"

As a cyber power in today's world, the United States possesses the world's leading cyber technology capabilities. However, it has not only failed to assume the responsibility of maintaining global cyber security, but has used its cyber technology advantages to infringe on the sovereignty and interests of other countries, run rampant in cyberspace, and wantonly carry out infiltration, attack, and sabotage activities. It has been constantly exposed to various scandals of monitoring other countries.

In June 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the US National Security Agency carried out large-scale network surveillance and information interception in many countries around the world;

In March 2017, WikiLeaks disclosed that the CIA was monitoring computers, smartphones and other devices around the world based on the cyber weapons arsenal and related documents developed by the CIA provided by Joshua Schulte;

In May 2021, European media revealed that the United States, with the help of Danish intelligence agencies, monitored the leaders of European countries such as Germany, France, Sweden, and Norway;

In June 2023, Russia's Kaspersky revealed that the US National Security Agency implemented Operation Triangulation to control and monitor the Apple phones of thousands of people in Russia, China, Europe and other countries and regions;

The latest report released by China's cybersecurity agency shows that from May 2023 to April 2024, hacker groups with US government backgrounds launched more than 45 million cyber attacks on China, with more than 140 victims identified, including the government, schools, research institutes, the military, private enterprises, etc., posing a serious threat to China's national security. After analysis, the samples of the attack weapons all pointed to the US CIA, NSA, FBI and other departments.

Faced with numerous criticisms and doubts from the international community, the United States has always turned a deaf ear, and even turned the tables, repeatedly politicizing and weaponizing cybersecurity issues, smearing other countries without factual basis, pulling up a "digital iron curtain", building a "cyber attack island chain", seeking technological monopoly and cyber hegemony, and using its own advantages to attack, steal secrets, infiltrate and sabotage other countries, affecting the efforts of the international community to promote cyber governance.

The responsibility of a self-reliant and self-reliant major country

In sharp contrast to the global failure caused by the "blue screen incident", my country's public services were basically not affected by the Windows system failure. It is precisely because my country actively promotes independent innovation in science and technology that the domestic operating system that has rapidly emerged in recent years has demonstrated a high degree of stability and reliability in this incident, ensuring the normal operation of public services.

China has always shouldered the responsibilities of a major country and actively promoted the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. It has hosted the World Internet Conference for ten consecutive years, and promoted the building of a more fair, reasonable, open, inclusive, secure, stable, and vibrant cyberspace. China has adhered to the main channel role of the United Nations, coordinated the interests of all parties, and issued constructive solutions such as the Global Data Security Initiative and the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative. China has actively deepened policy communication and experience sharing with the "Global South", promoted pragmatic cooperation in infrastructure, technology, law enforcement, emergency response and other aspects, and made important contributions to promoting global Internet governance.

Without cybersecurity, there is no national security. The national security organs will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the overall national security concept, and work with relevant departments to crack down on all kinds of cyber espionage activities in accordance with the law, strictly prevent cybersecurity risks, effectively improve the level of cybersecurity protection, and resolutely safeguard our cyberspace sovereignty, security, and development interests.