
Remembering Mr. Tsung-Dao Lee: Putting the desire for national prosperity into action


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Mr. Tsung-Dao Lee, a famous Chinese physicist and Nobel Prize winner in Physics, passed away at the age of 98.

On November 24, 1926, Tsung-Dao Lee was born in Shanghai, China. From 1943, he studied at Zhejiang University and Southwest Associated University. In 1950, he received a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Chicago. In January 1963, Tsung-Dao Lee became a U.S. citizen.

Tsung-Dao Lee has been engaged in physics research for a long time and has done a series of milestone work in the fields of particle physics theory, nuclear theory and statistical physics.

In 1957, 31-year-old Tsung-Dao Lee and 35-year-old Chen-Ning Yang were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their theory of parity non-conservation, becoming the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize. Tsung-Dao Lee also became the second youngest Nobel Prize winner in physics in history.

In September 1972, Tsung-Dao Lee and his wife Qin Hui-yi visited China for the first time. On October 15 of the same year, Zhou Enlai met with Tsung-Dao Lee and his wife in Beijing for the first time. In the following decades, Tsung-Dao Lee returned to China many times to give lectures and offer advice.

Editor: Liu Jia

Editor: Si Wen