
The ceiling of the house suddenly leaked, but the neighbor refused to admit it. The thrilling scene raised questions


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When I woke up early in the morning, I was surprised to find that the ceiling of the living room was leaking, and the entire ceiling was leaking! Water droplets kept dripping from the ceiling, forming a small water curtain, which made people feel heavy.
I immediately thought, could it be that the water pipe upstairs burst? Could it be that it was soaked? I hurried upstairs and knocked on the neighbor's door. However, no matter how hard I knocked, the upstairs neighbor refused to open the door and insisted that there was no water leak in the house! Their attitude made me feel very confused and helpless.
When I got home from get off work, the situation seemed to have gotten worse. Water continued to drip, and the humidity on the ceiling was getting higher and higher. I remember clearly that during the renovation, the water pipes were not installed on the ceiling. This made me even more confused, and I didn't know what the problem was.
On the one hand, I contacted the property management, and on the other hand, I took photos and asked friends in the decoration industry to take a look!
My friend saw it and said, "Keep the evidence, and then notify the property management to go to your upstairs neighbor's house. It is 100% certain that the water pipe or floor heating pipe installed in the ground above your house is leaking: the joints have not been pressure tested! Just ask your neighbor to compensate you for the loss!"
This is really a disaster from the sky! Decoration really can't be sloppy!!!