
Kadyrov responded to rumors about his health, saying he is "absolutely healthy and has a physical examination every three months"


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[Global Times Report] According to reports from Russian media including RIA Novosti and TASS on the 4th, Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of the Chechen Republic of Russia, accepted an interview with Russia 1 TV station and responded to rumors about his health, saying that he was "absolutely healthy."

According to reports from Russian media such as RIA Novosti on the 4th, Kadyrov accepted an interview with Russia 1 TV and responded to rumors about his health. Source: Screenshot of Russian media video

According to Russian News Agency, Kadyrov said in an interview that he exercises in the morning, "I am absolutely healthy, I have a physical examination every three months, and the vitamin D level in my body dropped slightly during the last physical examination." Kadyrov said that he does not pay attention to reports about his health in the Western media, "They fabricated these claims to cause chaos in our (Chechen) Republic."

Previously, there were rumors about "Kadyrov being hospitalized" on the Internet, but he himself refuted the rumor. For example, in September last year, there were reports that "Kadyrov's health deteriorated and he was hospitalized in a Moscow hospital." On the 17th of the same month, Kadyrov posted a video of himself walking on the social platform Telegram and wrote in the caption, "For those who cannot distinguish between truth and lies on the Internet, I strongly recommend taking a walk outdoors, breathing fresh air, and clearing your mind."