
Players share a group photo from "Old Man Ring": the last photo of a friend before he died


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Recently, a player on Reddit shared a precious game photo, which was a photo of him and his deceased friend in "Elden Ring".

According to the player, his friend Mirage was involved in a traffic accident and died five days after being taken to the hospital. "Somehow, two days before the accident, we were playing Elden Ring and another friend of mine asked me to take a photo (I often take photos, but not when playing with friends), and I did it. As a result, this became the last photo of my dear friend before he died."

Players in the comment section expressed deep regret: "Losing a friend is never easy, take care of yourself and talk to friends and family if you want." "Cherish your friends, even if they are only online. Life is ridiculously short, and people are gifts from God."

Another player lamented: "The friendships we build in the game are usually deeper than other friendships. You spend much more time chatting and spending time with netizens than you can spend working hard. Coupled with the purity of mind, without all the nonsense about social class/appearance that we have implanted, there is an opportunity to establish a bond that non-gamers cannot understand."