
Is a fund of a well-known institution close to zero? Related people: Misreading, interpreting "the last allocation of the fund" as "the overall allocation of the fund"


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Recently, a rumor that "a well-known investment institution has stepped on a landmine, and the Chinese dollar real estate bond fund has been liquidated" has spread on social media. A user posted that he received an email from CDH Investments, saying that the CDH Asia Credit Opportunities Fund, which he bought about 7 years ago, had just been liquidated, and the remaining value of the fund after the liquidation was only 350,000 US dollars. According to the estimate of 200 fund holders, "each person got back 10,000 yuan on average," which is equivalent to zero.

At present, the true identity of the user who posted the screenshot is unknown. However, according to relevant sources, there are many misunderstandings in the rumor post, and the "last distribution of the fund" was interpreted as "the overall distribution of the fund", which triggered market discussions. It is reported that the fund has been actively liquidated in 2020, and there have been 5 rounds of distributions before. The first round of distribution of the fund was in June 2020, and the cash obtained from the realization (approximately 80.5% of the net value of the fund at the time) has been distributed to fund holders, and four rounds of distribution were completed later. In July 2024, the remaining cash of US$350,000 will be distributed in the sixth and final round, rather than the overall distribution as stated in the rumor post. The above-mentioned person said that the rumored "last round of 200 investors" is not true. (Qi Yeyun, reporter of The Paper)