
"Catching Dolls": 3 educational methods of rich people, the effect is good, and ordinary families can also replicate it


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The movie "Catching Dolls" has caused heated discussions in the education circle. Although the whole movie is satirizing the "self-righteous" education of parents,But there are several educational methods that are noteworthy.

Many parents say that this is a game for rich people, and as long as they have money they can always give their children the best resources.

In the play, although Ma Chenggang (played by Shen Teng) pretends to be poor, he actually spends a lot of money to hire talented people from all walks of life to provide education for his children.

No matter how good this kind of education is, it cannot be replicated by an ordinary family, right?

In fact, as long as the educational idea is right, children will benefit no matter how much money is spent.

The three educational methods in the movie are particularly effective and it is not difficult for ordinary families to replicate them.

1. Contextual Learning
  • When his son Ma Jiye went to the market to buy meat, the stall owner lied that he couldn't remember the price of the meat and gave the child an arithmetic problem.
  • When Ma Jiye meets foreigners on the way to school, he can practice speaking English; when he meets foreigners selling vegetables at his doorstep, he can bargain in English.
  • Ma Jiye spent all the family savings, but his father did not blame him. Instead, the whole family worked together to think of how to fill this gap.

From another perspective, these are all situational teaching.In life, let children learn all kinds of knowledge,This is worthy of praise.

Of course, it would be even better if it was based on real life.

But it is undeniable thatSituational teaching,He really raised his son Ma Jiye into a good student with both good character and good academic performance.

Putting aside the huge lies woven by parents, situational teaching is worth learning for our ordinary families.

In life, we can take our children to the supermarket to shop more often. At the beginning, they can learn more words, then they can exercise their calculation ability, and later they can cultivate their financial intelligence.

Taking your children to English corners more often or watching more English documentaries can improve their English listening and speaking skills.

Actually reading with your children and discussing your thoughts can stimulate their interest in reading.

In fact, there are classrooms everywhere in life, it just depends on whether you know how to use them.

2. Immersive Learning
  • In the movie, before Ma Jiye goes to bed, the uncle next door always plays world famous music, and he always falls asleep with such background music.
  • On his way home, Ma Jiye could always hear the bookstore owner reciting poems and neighbors discussing math problems.

This kind of learning is to immerse children in knowledge without them having to study deliberately.The more you listen and the more you see, the more you will learn it naturally.

Just like the descendants of an old Chinese medicine practitioner, they can more or less cure external colds and flu. Learning by observation and exposure is the best education.

We ordinary people can also create this kind ofImmersive learning environment.

For example, mothers like to train their children's ears and listen to English;

The engineer father always took his children to build wooden castles;

My mother, who studies art, draws at home every day, and sometimes her children will doodle along.

The grandfather who loves calligraphy raised a grandson with beautiful handwriting.

These are all very good immersion teaching methods. Parents can learn more about what they know, what they are good at, and what they are interested in at home, so that their children can be influenced by them.This kind of education is the most subtle and effective.

3. Humanistic Care

Although the father Ma Chenggang in the play made up a huge lie for his son,But when it comes to education in the details, he also has his own unique brilliance.

1. He knows how to forgive his children

After his son spent all the family savings on a tablet, he said:"I have already inherited the business!"

Hearing his father’s words, the son immediately cried and threw himself into his father’s arms.

How many children have waited for their parents' forgiveness, and waited until the flowers withered? !

How many parents take advantage of their children's expectation of forgiveness and force them to do things?

A parent who knows how to express forgiveness immediately.They are very caring parents.You will definitely win the respect of your children.

2. He believes in his children and allows them to make mistakes

When a child is faced with an open cash box on the counter, there is obviously someone nearby who can immediately go into the house to buy something and prevent the child from having evil thoughts.

But he did not ask anyone to take action. Instead, he gave the child this opportunity and observed what the child would do.

I believe that since he dares to do so, he can accept the "bad result".

This is worth learning from, because in life there are many parents who cannot bear to see their children make mistakes and wish their children to always be excellent.

But a child who has never made mistakes is immature.

Sometimes, children are allowed to make mistakes.This is the wisdom of education.

If you look closely, there are many such heartwarming moments in the movie, which are hidden in the background of a big deception, and the father gives his son realHumanistic care.

If we can be authentic in parenting, and at the same time pay attention to the inner world of our children, understand them, and tolerate them,Why worry about not being able to educate your children well?

I’m @蓁蓁心理养老, welcome to follow me to learn more about family education.
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