
Countdown to the war in the Middle East, Washington's "pizza index" is off the charts, and the United States mobilizes its allies to fight Iran


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Iran's retaliation against Israel is entering the countdown. According to the assessment of US officials, Israel will launch a retaliatory strike against Israel as early as August 5. Now the United States and Israel are in a state of high tension. The Pentagon is working overtime at a high intensity. In addition to sending two aircraft carriers to the Middle East, the US Central Commander is active in the Middle East, trying to mobilize allies to fight. This time, his focus is on Jordan, because if Iran wants to launch a retaliatory attack, drones and missiles will definitely pass through Jordan, and Jordan will need to partially block the drones. It has to be said that we are now on the eve of the storm, and all parties are intensively organizing offensive and defensive work.

Iran's attack on Israel has entered the countdown, and now the United States and Israel are intensively defending

According to Reuters, Iran has threatened to retaliate against Israel because of the assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh in Iran. According to various sources, Iran's retaliatory attack is imminent, and it now depends on when Khamenei will decide to launch an attack on Israel.

The Middle East is currently shrouded in war clouds. Many European airlines have suspended flights to and from Israel and Lebanon, and the hostile atmosphere is extremely tense. Judging from Iran's retaliatory actions in April this year, it is estimated that its retaliatory mode may continue to follow this mode, that is, using a combination of "drones and missiles". The specific difference may be in the number. It is possible that the number of drones and missiles deployed by Iran this time will be higher than in April.

However, the most critical thing now is the timing of the attack, that is, when will Khamenei order the attack on Israel. Three US and Israeli officials revealed on August 4 that they estimated that Iran would launch an attack on Israel as early as August 5. The United States also made an estimate that the attack mode is benchmarked against the action in April, and Hezbollah in Lebanon may also join in. But there is a subtle difference: if Hezbollah also participates in the action, will it act together with Iran, or will both sides launch their own retaliatory actions. US officials also believe that Iran is now finishing up its military plans, and then these plans will be approved at the political level.

In short, Iran is now entering the countdown to retaliate against Israel, while the United States is in a state of high tension and is intensively planning actions to defend against Israel. The U.S. military is now working overtime at a high intensity. New York State Congressman Geller posted on social media that Washington's pizza index has exceeded the standard, showing that the workload and overtime hours of U.S. government agencies such as the Pentagon have increased significantly.

With Iran's attack imminent, the Pentagon is working overtime

Geller attached several pictures of real-time customer traffic statistics from Google Maps. At around 9 p.m. when the peak dining time was about to end, the map showed that the number of people at a pizza shop near the Pentagon increased significantly, while the number of people at several surrounding bars dropped sharply during the popular period. The increase and decrease of the two suggested that many employees stayed overtime that night and had no time to enjoy a drink after work. A new war may be about to break out.

The Pizza Index originated during the Cold War, when Soviet intelligence allegedly tracked the number of pizza orders delivered by deliverymen to analyze the scale of the U.S. response to global crises. In April this year, when Iran retaliated against Israel, pizza restaurants around U.S. government agencies such as the White House and the Pentagon saw a surge in traffic.

In addition, the US military is also intensively active in the Middle East to prepare for possible Iranian attacks. In addition to the rare dispatch of two aircraft carrier battle groups to the Middle East, the US Central Commander has arrived in the Middle East to intensively mobilize US allies in the region to respond to possible Israeli attacks.

The commander of the US Central Command is intensively active in the Middle East, mobilizing allies to resist Iran's offensive actions

According to Reuters, the US Central Commander Kurilla is expected to visit Israel and Jordan, with Jordan being the key to his Middle East trip. In April this year, when Iran launched an attack on Israel, Jordan played a very key role in it. It not only intercepted Iranian drones that entered Jordanian airspace, but also allowed the United States and Israel to intercept Iranian drones in its airspace. The United States hopes that Jordan can play this role again, but as to whether Jordan will agree, US officials believe that the probability is very high.