
The Middle East conflict is about to escalate, and the four-star general of the US military is on the way to give Houthis a head start


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A few days ago, in a series of attacks launched by Israel, two senior leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas were killed. Subsequently, Iran convened five major armed organizations, including the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas, to meet in Tehran to discuss how to retaliate against Israel. It is reported that Iran has issued instructions to Hezbollah, requiring them to no longer limit their attacks on Israel to military targets. Obviously, a fierce large-scale conflict in the Middle East is imminent. At this critical moment, according to CCTV News, on the 3rd local time, the commander of the US Central Command, Kurilla, arrived in the Middle East.

The United States has massively increased its military presence in the Middle East to prepare for a possible full-scale war in the Middle East

In the Middle East, Kurila arrived in the Middle East not to mediate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieve peace, but to support Israel and even command the Israeli army to fight. Prior to this, the United States announced that it would send an additional aircraft carrier battle group, air force fighters and air defense forces to the Middle East. It can be seen that Israel's hunting of the leaders of Lebanon and Hamas has made even the Americans feel that something bad is going to happen. The reason is simple, because Iran will never let this shameful thing go. They convened a meeting of the five major proxy forces, clearly preparing to fight Israel.

As tensions in the Middle East escalate, the United States is not only worried about Israel's security. At the same time, since Iran and Hezbollah have insisted that the United States is involved in Israel's "targeted elimination" operation, this means that the security risks of US military bases in the Middle East have increased dramatically. Therefore, the United States has made such a big fanfare to increase troops in the Middle East and even sent Kurila to the Middle East theater to respond to possible attacks on US military bases by Iran and its allies. Obviously, the United States is not doing this to show off its muscles in the Middle East as in the past, but to prepare for a possible full-scale war in the Middle East.

Israel stirred up a hornet's nest in the Middle East, but used the United States as a shield

Therefore, Kurilla was ordered to go to the Middle East this time not because he had the courage to take action against Iran or other Islamic armed forces, and he did not even have the confidence to intimidate opponents not to retaliate against Israel. On the contrary, according to the US media, Kurilla led a large number of US troops to the Middle East to deploy troops, just to "help Israel defend against Iranian missile attacks." This sounds more like a joke. The military of a superpower deployed on a large scale in the Middle East, but when facing opponents who are far less powerful than themselves, they can only defend themselves and have no ability to fight back.

No wonder more and more countries around the world look down on the United States, because the US military forces deployed in the Middle East, including the aircraft carrier battle group, are no longer the "sharp knife" for the United States to launch a war of aggression against other countries as in the past, but are only qualified to serve as a "shield" for Israel's security. The reason is simple. The United States is not as strong as before. Moreover, they not only have to deal with the Ukrainian conflict in Europe, but also have to militarily contain China in the Asia-Pacific region. They no longer have extra resources to provoke another war in the Middle East.

It's all Israel's fault. The United States deploys air defense systems in the Middle East to prevent accidents.

What's funny is that the United States has been avoiding being drawn into the vortex of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but Israel, this "pig teammate", does not intend to let the United States live too comfortably. According to the US media, Israel's actions have made the United States "difficult." Therefore, the Middle East is facing the risk of a large-scale full-scale war. In order to fulfill its security commitment to Israel, the US government, which is subject to the Jewish plutocracy, has to risk being drawn into a full-scale war in the Middle East and approach the fire of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, just before Kurira arrived in the Middle East, the Houthi armed forces had already given the United States a head start. According to China News Service, the Houthi armed forces shot down a US military MQ-9 "Reaper" drone over Yemen a few days ago.

Iran has "issued a retaliatory order" to its proxy armed forces, and Hezbollah's retaliatory rocket attacks on Israel have begun, and a full-scale war in the Middle East is imminent. As the US military is sending a large number of troops to the Middle East, the Houthi armed forces announced that they had shot down a US drone again, which is obviously a wake-up call for the leaders of the Pentagon. After all, when Iran and its proxy armed forces are determined that the United States is involved in the Israeli military's "targeted elimination" operation, the US military's sending more troops to the Middle East to support Israel is, to a large extent, a self-inflicted disaster.

The Houthis shot down a U.S. drone, sounding the alarm for Washington

Iran and its allies may launch a large-scale retaliatory action against Israel in the next few days. No matter how strong the retaliation is, a war in the Middle East seems inevitable. On the eve of the war, a US drone was shot down and a US military base in Iraq was attacked by rockets a few days ago. This is not a good sign for them. The Pentagon seems to know this very well, so this time they not only sent an additional aircraft carrier battle group and a large number of air force fighters to the Middle East, but also deployed additional air defense and anti-missile systems at US military bases in the Middle East. Obviously, the US military hopes to protect Israel while also improving the air defense capabilities of its US military bases in the Middle East to deal with possible large-scale attacks by Iranian allies.