
China Securities Finance: The statement that "the data of the securities lending platform are all fictitious and there is actually no upper limit on the amount of securities lending" is a rumor


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NetEase Finance reported on August 5 that China Securities Finance Corporation Limited issued a statement saying that recently, some self-media outlets claimed that "Transfer and FinancingThe data is all fictitious, and there is actually no upper limit on the amount of short selling." The relevant statement is a rumor.

Since the second half of last year,Securities and Futures CommissionAccording to market conditions and investors'Securities lendingIn view of the concerns about the banking industry, the Central Bank has taken a series of measures to strengthen supervision and counter-cyclical regulation, and on July 10 this year, it approved China Securities Finance to suspend its securities lending business in accordance with the law.

The scale of securities lending and securities lending has been steadily declining. As of August 2, 2024, the balance of securities lending has dropped to 17.1 billion yuan, a decrease of more than 40% from before the new regulations on July 10; the balance of securities lending has dropped to 21.2 billion yuan, a decrease of more than 30% from before the new regulations.