
Wu Sheng interprets "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class": Using model thinking to dispel complexity and create a new form of knowledge live broadcast


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Source: Cover News

Cover News reporter Wu Yujia

On the afternoon of August 4, Wu Sheng, founder of the Scene Lab, commented that Zhang Chaoyang's physics lectures were a new form of knowledge live broadcast, which was called "insight blogger", which resonated professional subject knowledge with the hard technology industry, used model thinking to dispel complexity, and brought not only knowledge, but insight itself. He said that the current knowledge service is facing a new cycle of changes, and the new trend of knowledge services is moving towards insight into the industry and co-building professions.

Talking about his feelings about "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class", Wu Sheng emphasized that from the perspective of thinking, context and value, it does not tell you how important certain knowledge is, but emphasizes the importance of creativity. Don't let information explode, but use thinking, context and value as the foothold of IP, because "creativity is more important than knowledge."

Wu Sheng believes that physics itself is an unchanging underlying logic. Zhang Chaoyang deconstructs and reconstructs things through structured thinking, giving birth to today's new form of knowledge live broadcast. He defines this type of people who share professional knowledge content as "insight bloggers (Insighter)". They interpret changes with invariance and use model thinking to dispel complexity, bringing not only knowledge, but insight itself.

The success of IP also means that today's knowledge services are changing. Wu Sheng pointed out that from the content innovation of "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class" to Sohu Video, we can see that the new trend of knowledge services is to go deep into the industry, gain insight into the industry, jointly build professions, and understand professions.

Many founders are both product managers and important "front desk staff". In Wu Sheng's view, Zhang Chaoyang's frequent appearances in the front row of major press conferences are by no means accidental or a way to show his presence, but a trend that is both unfathomable and simple and accessible - we need to use the more professional division of labor in society to turn Zhang Chaoyang, a scarce and valuable IP that has witnessed the innovation of the Internet, into a companion and partner of our own IP. As the famous physicist Feynman said, "same equations have same solutions", we must first open up the ability to understand the underlying logic before we can form our own thinking model and calculation method.