
Baldur's Gate 3 developer Larian creates a video channel on its first anniversary


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It has been a year since the annual RPG game "Baldur's Gate 3" produced by Larian was officially released in August last year.

In addition to constantly updating the game and fixing issues in the game (already advanced to the major patch No. 7, which is currently postponed), the official also recently looked to the future and launched a new community-centered YouTube channel.

The channel, called "Larian: Channel From Hell", has not yet updated any video content, but the official introduction describes it as follows: "Let Larian: Channel From Hell blow your mind! From regular live broadcasts and shows featuring our development team, to patch notes, unboxing videos, and updates on what we're currently working on, join us on a new adventure and take you behind the scenes of our next big thing."

While it's still unknown what Larian's "next big thing" is, this channel's focus on community and sharing the studio's progress may indicate that Larian is preparing to show players and everyone else their future developments.