
Delivery guys under the scorching sun: Working 10 hours a day and earning over 10,000 yuan a month, some riders say they have never seen high temperature allowances


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Blue Whale News, August 5 (Reporter Lu Pengpeng)Since August, many places across the country have issued high temperature warnings, and the highest temperature in many cities has reached 40 degrees in "barbecue mode", but even so, delivery boys still travel between cities under the scorching sun. As outdoor manual laborers, how much do riders earn on extremely hot days, and will they receive corresponding high temperature allowances?

In this regard, Blue Whale News reporters interviewed delivery boys from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian and other places, and conducted an in-depth investigation into their income during extremely hot days.

Delivery riders on hot days

1. If you run orders for more than 10 hours a day, you need to drink 3 liters of water a day

"I leave at 9 in the morning and get home at 10 at night, with an hour's break in between. I spend more than ten hours a day delivering orders. On hot days like this, when the temperature is 39 or 40 degrees at noon, it is the peak dining time and I can't stop at all. I deliver more than 50 orders a day, which is about 370 yuan. Together with some activity subsidies, I made a little over 10,000 yuan by delivering food in July just past." Xiao Zhuang told the Blue Whale News reporter.

Xiao Zhuang is a food delivery guy from Jiangsu. This is his second year delivering food. In recent days, the extremely high temperatures in many cities in Jiangsu have made the food delivery environment more difficult, but for this kind of work that is charged by the order, not going out means no income.

When talking about the feeling of delivering food on hot days, Xiao Zhuang said with emotion: "It's not easy to deliver food on such days. I have to fight mentally for 10 minutes before going out every day. I dare to go out only after I am fully armed from head to toe. I have to drink two large bottles of 1.5 liters of water a day, otherwise I will easily faint. When I park the battery bike outside, the seat cushion is so hot that I can't sit on it at all..."

In Shanghai, as of August 4, the number of days with high temperatures above 35°C has reached 24 days in total. The high temperature weather will continue before August 10, with the highest temperature reaching 40 degrees from August 2 to 4.

Pipi is a food delivery guy from Shanghai. He told the Blue Whale News reporter: "I can earn a little over 10,000 yuan a month by delivering food for 10 hours a day in Shanghai. Newbies like me are not working very hard. Some people can earn around 13,000 yuan a month by delivering food for 13 hours a day."

When talking about his feelings about working in hot weather, Pipi joked: "It doesn't matter how hot it is. As long as I don't die from running, I will work as hard as I can." When he finished delivering the order to the reporter, it was already 11:30 in the evening. After that, Pipi hurried to deliver the next order.

2. Can you still earn over 10,000 yuan a month by avoiding extreme heat?

Faced with the 40-degree high temperature, not all delivery guys choose to "tough it out".

Xiaole is a food delivery guy from Fujian. This is his sixth month as a food delivery guy. He told the Blue Whale News reporter: "I basically don't run during the hot noon days. I run mostly in the morning, evening and early morning. I run whenever it's cooler. I can run 10 hours a day. It's not worth it to run orders under the scorching sun and wear myself out."

According to Xiao Le's description, he was running the Meituan crowdsourcing fun run, which is a form between dedicated delivery and crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing was relatively loose before, but the crowdsourcing fun run has mandatory attendance requirements and there will also be activity rewards. His income in July exceeded 10,000 yuan.

3. The unit price in Henan and other places is relatively low, and riders say that earning more than 10,000 yuan a month is risking their lives.

However, not all delivery riders can get a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan.

A food delivery guy from Henan revealed to the reporter: "There are a lot of food delivery riders in Henan. If you don't work hard, you can only make 4,000 yuan a month. If you work fast, you can make more than 6,000 yuan a month. And some people make as little as 2.5 yuan per delivery. The money is low, the delivery is tiring, and the weather is hot. In summary, delivering food is really difficult."

A delivery boy from Sichuan expressed the same idea.

According to Blue Whale News, the income of food delivery boys is mainly linked to the unit price. The higher the unit price, the higher the income. The unit price also varies between provinces and cities.

For example, the unit price in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen is between 8 and 10 yuan. Not all cities have such high unit prices. For example, the unit price in Henan and other places is between 5 and 8 yuan.

During the interview, many delivery boys revealed to the reporter: "There has always been an iron rule in the food delivery industry: if you run casually, you can earn 5,000 to 6,000 yuan; if you run seriously, you can earn 7,000 to 8,000 yuan; if you run hard, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. In this industry, how much you earn depends entirely on your personal efforts. The more you work, the more you earn."

High temperature allowance of 50 cents per order? Some riders say they have never seen it before

In recent days, the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued high temperature warnings many times, and the temperature in some areas of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang may reach above 40 degrees.

According to the "Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures", workers who engage in high-temperature work shall enjoy job allowances in accordance with the law. If an employer arranges workers to engage in outdoor work in high-temperature weather above 35°C and fails to take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C, the employer shall pay high-temperature allowances to the workers and include them in the total salary.

So as outdoor workers, do delivery guys get high temperature allowance?

Blue Whale News reporters learned that different regions and platforms have different crowdsourcing or special delivery high temperature allowances, and some regions don’t even have any high temperature allowances.

In June this year, Meituan launched six measures to help riders prevent heatstroke and cool down, including high temperature allowances for food delivery riders. Meituan said that it has invested in special subsidies for "high temperature care funds" during the summer vacation, including single subsidies and long-term activities, to increase riders' labor income in high temperatures in a more precise and diversified way.

Xiao Le, a Meituan rider, revealed to reporters that in the rules of the crowdsourcing run, the high temperature allowance has been replaced by an activity. The amount of money rewarded is determined by the number of orders completed. The more you run, the more subsidies you get. If the requirements are not met, there will be no allowance.

For example, Xiaole completed a total of 24 orders on a certain day in July and received 14 yuan of "high temperature care money" on the same day, which means an average allowance of more than 50 cents per order.

Regarding Meituan's special delivery service, a special delivery rider in a first-tier city revealed to reporters: "I have been working in the special delivery service for two years, and I have never heard of any high temperature allowance. At most, the station manager will occasionally give the riders a drink during a meeting." However, some riders in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions also stated that there are indeed high temperature subsidy activities when the weather is hot, and the amount is about four to five thousand yuan a summer.

A person in charge of a Meituan delivery station in Shanghai told the Blue Whale News reporter: "The high temperature allowance in Shanghai has not been issued this year. The amount of subsidy and the time of issuance are different in each city across the country. However, there have been subsidies for delivery in previous years, and the high temperature subsidy varies every year. For example, last summer it was 6,000 to 7,000, and it was basically in this range in previous years. It is a summer activity that needs to be completed in three months. Basically, you can get the full allowance by clocking in normally every day."

As for, the reporter learned from delivery riders in many places that in some places, the high temperature allowance is calculated at 0.5 yuan per order, and the more you work, the more you get. However, not all regions have high temperature subsidies. An delivery rider in Shanghai revealed to the reporter: "There were some before, but not now. I'm not sure whether it's my own station or the entire Shanghai area."

A staff member of an station in Shanghai told the Blue Whale News reporter: "There is definitely a high temperature subsidy, but it depends on the weather. For example, the subsidy is based on the weather conditions. In addition to the high temperature subsidy, we also have summer caravan benefits, where riders can come and get free cooling products."

The summer vacation is halfway over, but according to a survey by Blue Whale News reporters, many food delivery riders still cannot receive high temperature allowances, and the level of subsidies varies between different platforms in different regions. It seems that there is still a long way to go to effectively protect the legitimate interests of outdoor workers.