
Media: Xiaomi Motors is being targeted by price cuts from its peers; insufficient production capacity may lead to increased delivery pressure


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[Zhichedepai News] Recently, a media article pointed out that after Xiaomi Automobile went public, it was targeted by price cuts from its peers, and the problem of insufficient production capacity may lead to a significant increase in delivery pressure.

In the latest weekly sales ranking of China's emerging brands released on July 30, Xiaomi Auto reversed the downward trend of the previous two weeks and ranked fifth with sales of 3,900 vehicles, and achieved the July delivery target of more than 10,000 vehicles ahead of schedule.

Xiaomi SU7parameterpicture

According to media observations, Xiaomi Auto has attracted widespread attention since its launch, and soon after its launch, it triggered a new round of price wars in the auto industry. With sales exceeding expectations, Xiaomi Auto quickly adjusted its annual delivery target to 100,000 to 120,000 vehicles. Media analysis said that despite its remarkable achievements in the market, Xiaomi Auto still faces challenges in converting bookings into actual sales. At present, the urgent problem that Xiaomi Auto needs to solve is to increase production capacity and shorten delivery time.

In fact, Xiaomi officials also said that Xiaomi Auto is facing tremendous delivery pressure. According to the annual target, Xiaomi needs to deliver more than 15,000 SU7s per month in the last four months to achieve the annual target. At present, Xiaomi is taking a variety of measures to increase production capacity, including extending working hours, double-shift production, shortening order confirmation time, equipment maintenance and transformation, and expanding factory area. Xiaomi Auto has also obtained independent car manufacturing qualifications, increasing autonomy and flexibility. In addition, Xiaomi also requires suppliers to increase the supply of parts and cooperate with CATL and others to build battery bases to support power system needs. These measures can better ensure that Xiaomi Auto delivers vehicles in a timely manner, meets market demand and achieves its goals.