
Nine "ways of using a brush", have you missed them?


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Pick up the pen

The tip of the brush cannot be the same thickness when writing dots and strokes. When the dots and strokes need to be thinner, the brush must be lifted. Therefore, lifting and pausing are relative and interdependent. Lifting the brush is mostly used in the middle of horizontal strokes, at the turning points and joints of characters, and when the tip of the brush is exposed. This is what the predecessors said: "Lifting is used in dense and dangerous places." Be careful not to lift too lightly or too thinly.


When the lines and dots are required to become thicker and more prominent, press down hard, so-called "the force that penetrates the back of the paper is called a pause". Pause is often used at the end or turning point of a character, and the force of the pause is greater than that of "squatting" and "stopping". In the process of writing, lifting and pausing are often used alternately, sometimes lifting first and pausing later, and sometimes pausing first and then lifting, so attention should be paid to coordination. Lifting, pressing and pausing are used more closely in cursive writing. It is precisely because of the alternating use of lifting and pausing that the changes in the weight, thickness and thickness of the dots and lines are formed. In regular script, lifting and pausing are very obvious, such as lifting and pausing at both ends of a horizontal and a vertical stroke. If the pausing is used well, the dots and strokes can be solid and powerful, and the pen force is full, but don't pausing too hard to form ink clumps.

Squat Pen

The method of using the brush is similar to the dot-stroke method, but the pressure can be lighter. There is a transitional action between the lightness, heaviness, thickness and thinness of the dot-stroke, which is the squatting brush method. Therefore, Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty said in the use of the brush that squatting brush means: "slow down the tip of the brush and squat at the joints, with a precise lightness and heaviness." The squatting brush and the dot-stroke method are often used in the transition of the strokes. Therefore, it plays the role of adjusting the change of the brush.


The force of the pen is less than that of "pause" and "squat". It is used for a short transition interval between the end of the previous pen movement and the beginning of the next one, that is, "pause", and the force is enough to reach the paper surface. The pen is paused in this way to prepare for the development of the next stroke. For example, before starting and ending a horizontal stroke, the pen should be paused for a while before pausing, and then the tip of the pen should be spread and pressed. For other things, such as before pausing at a turning point, before pausing the pen to move downward, the pen should be paused to accumulate momentum as a guide for pausing. Jiang He of the Qing Dynasty once said: "Pause, do not pause, do not squat, and the pen cannot be moved too fast or stopped, it is called pause if it is slow and cautious."

Blood Pen

That is, the pen moves both downward and upward. When writing hooks and dots, the pen that was originally stopped and then turned downward suddenly reverses and moves upward, which is called a reverse stroke. Since the reverse stroke takes a reverse trend, the friction between the pen tip and the paper surface is increased, which enriches and strengthens the pen power, making the dots and lines more vigorous. For example, Yan Zhenqing's regular script often has "goose head hooks", which means that the hook is reversed back to a goose head shape before the hook is drawn.

Pencil sharpening

It means that the brush suddenly stops when moving the pen to change the direction. Most of the time, it is done at a corner. The brush is paused first, then slightly lifted to rotate the tip of the brush, thus changing the direction. It can be seen that the brush is slightly moved after the brush is paused, making the brushwork more perfect and making up for the shortcomings of the pause and press process. For example, when writing a hook or a turning point, the brush posture is not complete after the pause and press. At this time, the tip of the brush is slightly lifted and rubbed, which can be used for adjustment and to change the brush posture to facilitate the writing. Pay attention to the degree of brushing the tip of the brush. Excessive brushing will be artificial, and too slight will make it inconvenient to express the brush posture and change the brush movement.

Grab the pen

It refers to the action of the pen dropping in the air to start the movement when the pen is lifted onto the paper, or the rebounding action in the air when the pen is lifted off the paper. Grabbing the pen is similar to folding the pen, but the folding speed is slow, while grabbing the pen is a quick and instantaneous action. For example, when writing a horizontal stroke, the pen is usually moved vertically first and then folded upwards, that is, the horizontal stroke is written straight down, forming a triangular inner fold line to the right. When using the grabbing pen, this folding action can be made in the air, and then quickly dropped on the paper, which is called "virtual grabbing". When writing cursive script, the pen is moved faster and the movement range is increased, so the grabbing pen can be used to start or end the stroke.

Pen Spinning

There are two meanings. First, in contrast to "bending the pen", round pens are often used. That is, when writing, the pen moves in a circular motion from left to right. When moving in the strokes, it is a continuous line with a slight pause, and the connection and disconnection seem to be separable but inseparable. Therefore, Cai Yong of the Han Dynasty said in "Nine Forces": "When turning the pen, it is better to look back left and right, and not to expose the tip of the pen." The lines and strokes written in this way are thick and solid. Second, it refers to the corners and bends in the characters, which are written in a circular motion using the circular rotation method. Pay attention to not moving the pen too slowly when turning the pen, otherwise it will become bloated.

Folding Pen

This is for "pen turning", which is mostly used for square brushes. When folding the pen, the tip of the pen turns from the positive side to the negative side, which is called "square pen turning", thus showing the square edges and corners, and using the action of folding the pen to bring out the square momentum. The speed of folding the pen should be faster than turning the pen, so as to form a square, strong, vigorous and vigorous momentum.

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