
A piece of Tang Dynasty calligraphy was unearthed in Dunhuang. It is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it. It is written in regular script here.


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Throughout the history of calligraphy, each dynasty has its own brilliant calligraphy styles, including the seal script of the Qin Dynasty, the official script of the Han Dynasty, the running script of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the regular and cursive scripts of the Tang Dynasty, which are beyond the reach of later generations. Most calligraphy friends start with regular script, using it to lay a solid foundation before moving on to running and cursive scripts.

We often say "learn from the best". When choosing who to learn from and what to copy, the "Four Great Calligraphers" Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan and Zhao Mengfu are the first choice. However, are the calligraphy of these four really suitable for beginners? Ouyang Xun and Liu Gongquan are strict in rules and too rich in brushwork. If you can't adapt, you will fall into them and write "artistic calligraphy". Although Yan Zhenqing and Zhao Mengfu have a certain space for development, if you don't learn them well, it is easy to write vulgar calligraphy.

In general, the regular script of Ou, Yan, Liu and Zhao is too difficult. It can be learned, but it is not suitable for people to start rashly without any basic knowledge.Compared with them, there was a group of calligraphers in the Tang Dynasty whose calligraphy was equally wonderful, combining both artistry and practicality, and was easy to learn."Scripture Writing"

They were written by copyists, and the "official copyists" among them had received strict and systematic training, and their level was not inferior to that of top masters. The best of their finished works would be selected and sent to the secret collection of Dunhuang Sutra Cave. In 1900, Wang Yuanlu accidentally discovered the Sutra Cave, and these calligraphy treasures were revealed to the world.

Calligraphers from various countries compared and selected the one with the highest level, which is Xiaokai"Virtue", also known as "Liu Zi Xin Lun". Mr. Qi Gong once praised this work as "the strokes are flying, full of flesh and blood, and the turning and side are shining. It is not inferior to the famous Tang stele Yu, Ou, Zhu, Xue, and even Wang Zhijing and Jingke..."

"De Yan" is 28 cm long and 568 cm wide, with more than 2,500 characters, and the character size is about 1.5 cm. It is now in the National Library of Paris. This work is not only exquisite in brushwork, not inferior to Ouyang Xiu, Yan Yu, Liu Yu and Zhao Yu, but also has a large number of characters, almost covering daily use, and is very suitable for "daily lesson" copying practice.

The author of this work is inspired by famous calligraphers such as Zhong Yao, Er Wang, Chu Suiliang, and Zhong Shaojing, and restores the solemnity of the "scripture writing style". The tip of the pen enters the paper, and after the pen is put down, there are rich movements of stopping, accumulating power, and adjusting the tip. The pen is written with both the center and side of the pen, and the strokes are vigorous, full, and full of strength.There is no simplification in writing. When finishing the stroke, the tip of the brush is hidden and retracted, and the turning point has both square and roundness.

If you look closely at each dot and stroke, you will find a sense of rhythm of beginning, development, transition and ending. Compared with the calligraphy styles after the Song and Yuan Dynasties, this work is more varied. At the same time, although this scroll is in regular script, the brushstrokes are smooth and graceful, with a hint of running script, and the style is even more elegant, showing the atmosphere of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It is no wonder that Mr. Qi Gong praised such a high-level small regular script.

Even compared with the "Ling Fei Jing", it is better in terms of the richness of the brush strokes and the fluency and elegance of the single words. "De Yan" is the product of the superposition of skills, talent and the aesthetic trend of the times. It is really the best to be able to write to this level!Therefore, De Yan is a model for us to appreciate the authentic Tang Kai techniques.If you copy it thoroughly, you will pass the test of brushwork.

Now, we have reproduced the original small calligraphy in ultra-high definition with 12 colors, so that everyone can copy and learn from it. If you are interested, please click the link below to take a look!