
Just now! The US military made a major announcement!


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The situation in the Middle East is tense.

According to a recent statement from the U.S. Department of Defense, on August 2, local time, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered adjustments to the U.S. military posture to improve the U.S. military's protection capabilities, increase U.S. support for Israel's defense, and ensure that the United States is ready to respond to various emergencies at any time. Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singer said in a statement that Austin has ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier battle group to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group currently operating in the Gulf of Oman. Austin also ordered a fighter squadron to be sent to the Middle East to enhance the U.S. military's air defense support capabilities.

The United States is preparing to send more fighter jets to the Middle East to counter threats from Iran and its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen to attack Israel in the coming days, U.S. officials have revealed.

It is worth noting that the current tension between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon is escalating. According to Lebanese media reports on August 2, two villages in northeastern Lebanon near the Syrian border were attacked by Israeli air strikes that night, but no casualties were caused. Israeli media said that this was one of Israel's most in-depth attacks on Lebanon during this round of conflict.

The U.S. military ordered

On August 3, according to the CCTV News client, according to a statement released by the US Department of Defense, on August 2 local time, US Secretary of Defense Austin ordered adjustments to the US military posture to enhance the protection capabilities of the US military, increase US support for Israel's national defense, and ensure that the United States is ready to respond to various emergencies at any time.

According to the statement, Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln to replace the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group currently deployed in the US Central Command area of ​​responsibility, and to send additional cruisers and destroyers with ballistic missile defense capabilities to the US European Command and the US Central Command region. The US Department of Defense is also taking measures to prepare for the deployment of more land-based ballistic missile defense systems.

Austin also ordered the dispatch of a fighter squadron to the Middle East to enhance the US military's air defense support capabilities.

The statement said these military posture adjustments enhance the extensive capabilities maintained by the U.S. military in the Middle East.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is preparing to send more fighter jets to the Middle East to counter threats from Iran and its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen to attack Israel in the coming days in revenge for the death this week of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, U.S. officials said Friday.

A U.S. military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said U.S. forces in the Middle East are taking the "necessary steps" to improve readiness and protect American troops and allies from any threats from Iran or Iranian-backed militias.

According to Global Times reports compiled from Russian Satellite News Agency, Israel's Jerusalem Post and other media, as tensions between Israel, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iran escalate, US Republican Congressman Lindsey Graham recently proposed two bills related to Iran.

According to the report, one of the bills proposes to authorize US President Biden to use force against Iran in two situations: one is that "the president determines that Iran is obtaining nuclear weapons that pose a threat to US national security interests" and the other is that "the president determines that Iran possesses weapons-grade enriched uranium, nuclear warheads, or has delivery vehicles capable of carrying nuclear warheads that threaten US national security interests."

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency on August 2, another bill put forward several proposals, including: "Any action taken by Hezbollah against Israel that escalates the situation and leads to major conflict will be regarded as an attack launched by Iran"; "When the president reserves all response options, including the use of force, in accordance with constitutional procedures, efforts to stop Hezbollah and Iran are the most credible"; "Condemn Hezbollah and Iran for repeated terrorist acts, and urge the U.S. Congress and the President to use all diplomatic means and force projection capabilities to hold them accountable for their actions."

"Israeli army assassinates five senior Hamas officials"

According to CCTV News Client, on August 2, Hamas sources said that the IDF recently assassinated two Hamas political bureau leaders and three Qassam Brigades military commanders in an underground tunnel in the Gaza Strip. Among them, the two Hamas political leaders were Mushtaha and Sirajuddin.

It is understood that Mushtaha is responsible for the finances of the Hamas Political Bureau, is a close friend of Hamas leader Sinwar, and is regarded as one of the most hawkish members of the armed group. Sirajuddin has served in the Hamas Political Bureau since 2021 and is responsible for internal security in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has not yet responded to this.

It is worth noting that the recent killing of Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukur has escalated tensions between Israel and Hezbollah.

On August 2, local time, Naim Qassem, deputy secretary-general of Hezbollah in Lebanon, said in a statement that Hezbollah's counterattack against Israel's assassination of its commander Shukur would be "important and significant."

“Every time we lose a member, especially a senior executive, our resolve grows stronger,” said Naeem Qasim.

Lebanese Hezbollah media reported on August 1 that Hezbollah’s senior military commander Shukur was killed on July 30 when the Israeli army attacked the southern suburbs of Beirut.

It is reported that as a founding member of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shukur played a key leadership role in the organization's establishment and early development, and played a key role in planning and executing military operations against Israel.

According to CCTV News Client, on August 2, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Israeli army continued to exchange fire in the area of ​​the temporary border between Lebanon and Israel. According to Lebanese news on the 2nd, Hezbollah militants shelled Israeli soldiers near the village of Dahira on the temporary border between Lebanon and Israel, and fired rockets at Israeli positions in northern Israel.

The Israel Defense Forces responded on the 2nd that all rockets fired by Hezbollah militants did not enter Israel and the attack caused no casualties. They also said that the Israeli army launched drone attacks on Hezbollah militants who fired rockets at Israel and carried out air strikes on Hezbollah weapons launch sites.

According to Lebanese media reports on the 2nd, two villages in northeastern Lebanon near the Syrian border were attacked by Israeli air strikes that night, but no casualties were caused. Israeli media said that this was one of Israel's most in-depth attacks on Lebanon during this round of conflict.

According to reports from CNN, Sydney Morning Herald and other media, in this context, the governments of Germany, Switzerland, Australia and other countries urged their citizens to leave Lebanon. In addition, the US State Department adjusted its travel advice for Lebanon to "Level 4", that is, "Do not travel".

According to AFP, on August 2, local time, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement urging French citizens in Iran to leave Iran as soon as possible.

It is reported that the leader of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in an attack in Iran recently, and regional tensions have escalated. Against this background, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on August 2 that due to the increased risk of escalation in the region, French citizens who are still in Iran should leave as soon as possible.

Source: China Securities

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: He Yu

Proofreading: Liu Rongzhi

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