
Faker had a breakdown! He banged his head against the wall! After T1 lost to GEN again, Faker's mentality exploded


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T1 lost to GEN 0-2 in the regular season of the LCK Summer Split, and suffered another defeat. For many viewers, T1's loss to GEN seems to have become commonplace, but it was unexpected that T1 mid laner Faker broke down and banged his head against the wall after the game. His teammates stopped him in time, avoiding a more serious accident.

Here's what happened. After T1 lost to GEN again with a record of 0-2, in the background of the LCK live broadcast, you can see all the T1 members gathered together to review the game. Faker was facing the screen and listening to the coaching staff's instructions, but he suddenly turned his head and banged his head against the wall behind him several times with great force. After his teammates found out, Gumayusi rushed up to stop Faker, and the other team members also gathered together to stop Faker's irrational behavior.

Faced with Faker's sudden behavior, many LPL netizens were also impressed by Faker's competitive spirit. Many people said that Faker has won countless honors and achieved the highest status in LOL, but he is still constantly pursuing victory and being strict with himself. Such high demands on himself are really admirable. He is indeed a player who deserves repeated success and is the undisputed number one.

Before, Faker always showed a very rational and stable side in front of the camera. He has won so many honors and has so many fans. He is also polite off the court and trains hard in private. He has always been a representative player with a blank expression and not good at expressing emotions. He looks like a robot who can only play games. But this is the first time he broke down in public and even showed some self-harming behavior. You must know that this game is not a final, but just a regular season game. Faker has such a big emotional fluctuation and can't even hide it, which shows that he is actually under a lot of pressure inside.

Of course, it may also be because in this match, at least in the first game, it seemed that T1 had a chance to win, but because of Faker's own mistakes, a good game was ruined. In addition, many deformed operations in the second game completely broke down Faker's psychological defenses. He was too competitive and didn't expect that he couldn't do it, so he couldn't control himself.

To be honest, no athlete can overcome the obstacle of age. I still hope that T1 can find some psychological counselors to enlighten Faker. If the psychological problems are not solved, it will be difficult for him to perform well in the game, especially after he made mistakes and hurt his teammates, he did things that hurt himself. These should not happen to Faker. I still hope that he can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain a positive attitude!

So, do you have anything to say about this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.