
Can you become a demon hunter without sealing demons? Illidan's first apprentice turned out to be a traitor


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Hello everyone, this is Zhengjing Game, I am Zhengjing who loves to eat melons.

As we all know, the reason why demon hunters can drive evil energy is that they seal the demon's soul in their bodies in the form of magic patterns, so that they can call on the power of the demon anytime and anywhere, and even transform into the demon in their bodies.

There are always unexpected things. Among Illidan's direct disciples, there appeared a unique existence who did not seal the demon soul but could use the power of fel energy - Altruis the Sufferer.

And it seems that fate played a joke on Illidan. The Egg Brother, who was infamous as the "betrayer" of Azeroth, was also "betrayed" by this maverick disciple. Today, let's talk about Altruis, a martyr who has been wandering all his life.

Judging from his seniority alone, Altruis is older than any of Illidan's followers. As early as the ancient times, he served as Illidan's lieutenant as the first of the night elves, and the two were responsible for guarding against the invasion of the Burning Legion and fighting demons.

Otruis, who was born a commoner of the lower elves, had an innate affinity for arcane magic. He gradually emerged in the War of the Ancients and became a middle-level leader of the Moon Guard.

But after the War of the Ancients, because of the painful lesson of the Elf Queen Azshara's unlimited demand for arcane magic, which allowed the Burning Legion to take advantage of the situation, most of the surviving elves chose to stay away from arcane magic and the Well of Eternity, and at the same time began to hate the Moon Guardians who used arcane magic.

This was the opportunity for Otruis to exile himself for the first time. He chose to stay and guard the Well of Eternity, fulfill his duties as the Moon Guardian, and imprison himself in the Moonglade.


After ten thousand years of peace and stability, as the second invasion of the Burning Legion began, the ancient Moon Guard chose to walk out of the Moonglade and fight alongside other allies to eliminate the chaos and corruption brought by the demons.

Coincidentally, as soon as Altruis came out of the mountains, he met Illidan who had just been released by Tyrande. Based on their good impression of this old boss, they decided to join forces to eliminate the corruption in Felwood.


Of course, the reason why Illidan came to Felwood was not just to eliminate corruption. His goal has always been clear, that is - the skull of Gul'dan containing a large amount of fel power.

However, to Illidan's surprise, even his "hungry" body that had been imprisoned for ten thousand years was unable to absorb all of the fel power in the Skull of Gul'dan. Instead, one third of the energy overflowed and hit Otruis who was watching the show nearby.

In this way, Altruis was inexplicably infected with fel energy.

Therefore, after the Battle of Hyjal, under the influence of the latent fel energy in his body, Altruis began to look for a demon lord who killed his comrades. In order to gain the power to fight against demons, Altruis also asked Illidan to teach him the skills of a demon hunter and actively transform the fel energy in his body.

It is worth mentioning that during his self-cultivation, Oturis had magic patterns, because every demon hunter needs the assistance of magic patterns to seal the demons in his body. But because Oturis hated demons so much, in the later stage of his apprenticeship, he accidentally "smashed" the demon in his heart instead of sealing it again, which is why he lost the magic pattern.

Originally, according to the situation of "the demon suddenly shattered", Oturus, who lost his demonic power, would not be able to mobilize the evil energy for a long time and become a qualified demon hunter.

But one-third of the Skull of Gul'dan was like a panacea, actively opening up Altruis's Ren and Du meridians, allowing him to actively cultivate fel energy and transform into a demon without sealing the demon. Therefore, Altruis became the first and most unique demon hunter under Illidan.

Unlike all demon hunters, since there is no sealed demon in his body, Otruis is completely unaffected by the chaotic properties of fel energy. His mind is unusually clear, which is somewhat incompatible with the demon hunters' advocacy of wolf culture.

Especially when it came to training Illidari recruits, Otruis found that he was completely unable to accept the selection criteria with an elimination rate of up to 99% set by his other colleagues, because this would cause many untalented recruits to become neither human nor ghost under high pressure.

So, Altruis took the initiative to resign to Illidan and ran to Nagrand in Outland to spend all day with the void dragon Netherandamus, whom he had raised personally.

Illidan didn't say much about this demon hunter who chose to exile himself. Instead, he felt that Altruis would one day explore a new path for demon hunters.

In the Demon Hunter's novice storyline, Altruis also gives players a second choice to rebel against Illidan and fight to defend Azeroth, although this choice is to overthrow Illidan as the ultimate goal.

I have something to say:The traitor who betrayed the entire Azeroth was finally betrayed by his disciple. It must be said that Illidan's life was full of show effects. In addition, the reason why Blizzard introduced the NPC Altruis the Sufferer was mainly to complete the background story of the Vengeance T talent. After all, letting a selfish demon hunter sacrifice himself is a very strange talent.

A surprising question:Have you watched Demon Hunter carefully?