
Some small shops in Hangzhou put up "closure notices" due to high temperatures: take a summer vacation and go back to Northeast China to escape the heat


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Source: Chao News

"Due to the hot weather, our store will stop operating from today..." Recently, a "closure notice" posted by a small store called "Wonton King" on Wushan Road in Hangzhou has quietly become popular on the Internet.

"Are Hangzhou bosses too relaxed? The weather is too hot so they simply give up business?" netizens commented.

On August 3, braving the scorching sun, Chao News reporters found the "Wonton King" at Wushan Road and Guohuo Road, and also saw the notice that had become popular online.

The notice posted by the boss. Photo by Chao News reporter Huang Yuhuan

Although the door of "Wonton King" was locked, the reporter was able to get a glimpse of the store's layout through the glass door.

There are several dining tables and a workbench on the right. "This is a husband-and-wife shop, owned by a middle-aged couple," said a clerk at a duck blood vermicelli shop next door.

The staff of the Duck Blood Vermicelli Shop was not surprised by the closure of Wonton King. "They have been closed for almost a month," the staff said. The shop has been open on Wushan Road for many years, and in his memory, it seems to close for a period of time every year.

The "closing notice" had the store owner's contact information. The reporter called and the owner, Ms. Zhou, answered the call.

"Yes, yes! We need to take a break for a while. It's so hot and business is average. The key is that we're afraid people can't handle it." Ms. Zhou said, directly stating the reason for closing the store.

Ms. Zhou and her family are authentic Hangzhou people. They have been running this wonton shop for more than 20 years, selling pure handmade wontons.

Although the store is not far from the scenic spot, it does business with locals.

"When the weather gets hot, no one wants to go out. There are fewer people on the streets, and there is not much business in the store," she said.

Some people may think that it is a bit willful to close the business so suddenly, but Ms. Zhou said that it is not a big deal. "The rent of our store is not high, so I won't lose much if I take a holiday. As for money, I can still make money when the weather cools down."

According to the "closing notice", Wonton King will not reopen until September 8. During these two months, Ms. Zhou decided to spend more time with her children. "The children are on summer vacation, and we plan to go out and travel." Ms. Zhou said that when the store is open, there is no time to take care of family matters. It is good to spend these days with family and take a break for herself.

"Wonton King" is not the first street shop in Hangzhou that thinks the hot weather is giving itself a day off.

A netizen from Xiaoshan, Hangzhou revealed that the owner of a Northeast restaurant near his home left a notice saying "My friends: the weather in Hangzhou is too hot, take a summer vacation and go back to the Northeast to escape the heat" and then went back to his hometown to escape the heat.

Notices from netizens

Most netizens expressed their understanding of the bosses' "relaxation": "There is a saying that a good man does not make money in June. It is normal for some stores to choose to close down because it is too hot."

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The down jackets from Mohe, Heilongjiang have been on the hot search list for two days!

The dog days of summer have not yet ended, but Mohe, China's northernmost city, has become a hot topic due to its low temperature. In the midsummer when the temperature in the south is generally 30 or 40 degrees, Mohe has quietly entered autumn, with the lowest temperature dropping to single digits. Some residents put on thin down jackets in advance. The southerners who are so hot that they doubt their lives can't help but sigh: China is really too big!

People in the south are still showing their waists, but people in Mohe are already wearing down jackets!

A little-known fact: the beginning of autumn will come next week! But the south is still in the midsummer mode in early August, with no sign of cooling down. The daily high temperature of 30 to 40 degrees is unbearable! However, while the southerners are still suffering from the high temperature, the lowest temperature in Mohe, Heilongjiang, far away in the northeast, is close to 6 degrees Celsius.

Recently, the media reported that in Mohe, Heilongjiang, residents who went out in the morning or visited the morning market have quickly bid farewell to thin clothes and put on thick autumn clothes. Some residents even put on down jackets. When asked why they put on down jackets, an old lady said frankly, "It's cold."

Some residents in Mohe have already put on down jackets. Photo/video screenshot

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Barbecue stalls in Mohe photo/video screenshot

In the video, a man opened his mouth and exhaled to show the temperature in Mohe. The hot air he exhaled quickly condensed in the air, forming a clear white mist. The scene that southerners only see in winter has already happened in Mohe, Heilongjiang, in early August.

Mohe will start heating next month. Netizens asked: Is there no summer in Northeast China?

According to CCTV News, in September last year, Mohe, Heilongjiang Province, experienced cooling weather, with the lowest temperature falling below 0℃. In order to ensure that people live in warm houses, Mohe City took the initiative and officially started heating on September 14. The heating time will last until mid-May of the following year.

In other words, according to last year's heating date, there is still more than a month before Mohe, Heilongjiang will start heating. In this regard, some southern netizens expressed shock: China is really too big, I am still exposing my waist in the south, and you are already wearing mink in Mohe. Is there no summer in the Northeast?

Of course there is summer in the Northeast, but it doesn't last long. As the northernmost city in China, Mohe has a special climate.

It is understood that the average temperature in Mohe is about -3.5℃ throughout the year, and the winter is long and cold, lasting up to 8 months. The lowest extreme temperature in winter has reached minus 52.3℃, and temperatures below minus 40℃ are common.

Some netizens said that Mohe will have heating in September and the first snow may fall in October, "We welcome friends from the south to come to Mohe to escape the summer heat and see the aurora."

Aurora in Mohe/CCTV News

In response to this, a Jiangsu netizen said, "Can we transfer the heat from the south to the north, and the cold from the north to the south, and install the air conditioner in the south and the outdoor unit in the north?"

How long will the south stay hot? There will be two more waves of hot weather in August!

On the afternoon of August 1, the Central Meteorological Observatory lifted the heavy rain warning that had been issued for 53 days since June 10, and then seamlessly issued a high temperature warning. It is conservatively estimated that this round of high temperature warning will last for more than 10 days.

According to the forecast of the China Meteorological Administration, in August, the temperature in most parts of my country will be higher than usual. There will be two obvious high temperature weather processes in early and mid-August. In late August, the high temperature weather will ease.

In early August, under the control of the western Pacific subtropical high pressure and the continental high pressure, there will be 4 to 8 days of high temperature weather with the temperature ranging from 35 to 38 degrees Celsius in southern Huanghuai, Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan, northern Fujian, Chongqing, southern Xinjiang Basin, western Inner Mongolia and other places. Among them, the high temperature weather in southern China from August 3 to 7 will be wide-ranging and high-intensity, and parts of Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places may reach 39 to 42 degrees Celsius.

Central Meteorological Observatory releases high temperature forecast map/Central Meteorological Observatory

The summer is coming to an end, and a new round of hot weather is coming. Would you consider going to the north to escape the heat? How do you plan to spend the coming autumn and winter in the north? Let's talk about it in the comments section.