
An emergency occurred in Sichuan! 2 people have been killed and 12 people are missing!


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Source: CCTV News, China Emergency Management

In the early morning of August 3, local mountain torrents and mudslides destroyed some houses in Ridi Village, Guza Town, Kangding City, Sichuan Province.Two people were killed and 12 were missing.The disaster situation is currently being further verified.

Ridi Village, Guza Town, Kangding City, Sichuan Province. Image source: Baidu Map

According to CCTV news, at around 3:30 on August 3, a sudden mountain torrent and mudslide caused the bridge between tunnels to collapse between Ridi Tunnel 1 and Tunnel 2 on the Yakang Expressway from Kangding to Luding, and some vehicles fell.It has been verified that three vehicles with a total of six people fell from the Ya'an-Kangding Expressway in the direction of Kangding to Ya'an, of whom one was rescued and five were missing.

After the disaster, Ganzi Prefecture has fully promoted rescue work. Currently, rescue forces from various parties have arrived at the scene to carry out work.

According to the China Emergency Management, at 3:30 am on August 3, a sudden mountain torrent and mudslide disaster occurred in Guza Town, Kangding City, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, causing the collapse of the bridge between Ridi Tunnel 1 and Tunnel 2 on the Yakang Expressway Kangding to Luding section and the destruction of houses in Ridi Village, Guza Town, resulting in the fall of vehicles and loss of contact with people.

After receiving the report, Minister Wang Xiangxi of the Ministry of Emergency Management immediately made arrangements, requiring the verification of the number of people as soon as possible, searching and rescuing the missing persons with all efforts, carrying out rescue work scientifically and efficiently, and preventing secondary disasters. Wang Kun, the leader of the Ministry, immediately connected with the Sichuan Provincial Emergency Management Department and the Fire Rescue Corps at the National Emergency Command Headquarters to dispatch and understand the situation on the scene and guide the emergency rescue work. The Ministry of Emergency Management launched the National Level 3 Emergency Response to Geological Disasters. After the dispatch, the working group led by Wang Kun rushed to the scene to guide the rescue and disposal. At present, 268 people and 65 vehicles from the Sichuan Provincial Fire Rescue Corps and 55 people and 35 equipment from China Aneng have been dispatched to the scene to carry out rescue. The rescue work is in full swing.