
Hamas representative in Iran refuted US media: Haniyeh died in an airstrike, not a "bomb under the bed"


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On July 31, local time, Hamas issued a statement saying that its leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in an Israeli airstrike at his residence in Tehran, the capital of Iran. Since the incident, the details of Haniyeh's death remain unclear.

On August 2, Hamas' representative to Iran, Khalid Kaddoumi, disclosed some details of Haniyeh's death in an interview with the London-based New Arab newspaper in Iran.

In response to the previous reports by the US media that a bomb was placed under Haniyeh's bed, Khalid Kaddoumi refuted these claims as "distortions of the facts" intended to deny Israel's direct responsibility. According to him, various signs, including the characteristics of Haniyeh's remains, indicate that the attack was clearly from an "object in the air."

Khalid Kaddoumi said that Haniyeh was reading the Quran when he was killed, and the book was stained with his "pure blood." Kaddoumi stressed that "his blood will become a curse in the Gaza Strip."

As Haniyeh died at his residence in Tehran, the cause of his death has attracted much attention in recent days. The New York Times reported on the 1st that Haniyeh was killed by a bomb hidden in the hotel where he was staying. The explosive device was installed about two months before the incident and was detonated by remote control.

Although Iranian media previously quoted witnesses as saying that a missile-like object hit Haniya's room and then exploded, two Iranian guards said the explosion occurred in Haniya's room.

Kadum said that on the night of the attack on Haniyeh, the building where they lived suddenly began to shake at about 1:37 a.m., and he saw thick smoke pouring out. At first, he thought it was thunder or an earthquake. Then, they went to Haniyeh's room on the fourth floor, and the walls and ceiling of the room had collapsed.

Kaddoumi said that judging from the situation at the scene and Haniya's body, the attack was obviously from "an object in the air." At the same time, he refused to disclose more details and said that Iran's technical team was conducting a detailed investigation and the results of the investigation would be announced later.

He stressed that the relevant reports by the US media were "distortions of the facts" and contradicted Israel's narrative. Their purpose was to deny Israel's direct responsibility in order to escape the consequences of its crimes.

Israel has not publicly acknowledged the assassination. On the day of the assassination, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the US was not aware of the assassination in advance. CNN quoted sources as saying that Israel informed US officials only after the assassination.

However, according to Khalid Kaddoumi, Israel's action was carried out with the knowledge and consent of the United States. "The US government is an accomplice to this crime, and Netanyahu received permission from the United States to commit this crime during his visit to Washington."

In addition, Kaddoumi said that he and Haniyeh discussed the "virtue of martyrdom" on the night of the incident. Haniyeh said at the time, "This is a happy ending for every brother who fights against the Zionist entity." Kaddoumi also said that Haniyeh was reading the Koran when he was killed, and the book was stained with his "pure blood."

US media analysis believes that Haniyeh was the leader of Hamas in the ceasefire negotiations. His assassination will not only affect the ceasefire negotiations, but may also set off a new wave of violent conflicts in the Middle East.

On August 2, Haniyeh's memorial and funeral ceremony was held in Doha, the capital of Qatar. A large number of local people came to the scene to participate in the memorial activities. Among them, Qatar's Emir (head of state) Tamim attended the ceremony, and representatives from the governments of Turkey, Malaysia and other countries also attended.

According to Reuters, Khaled Mashaal, who may become the new "number one" of Hamas, also attended Haniyeh's funeral. He said in his speech that Haniyeh's death was a great loss, but it would only make the organization "more determined to fight for the liberation of Palestine."

"Zionists have no place on Palestinian soil, no matter how many of us they kill," Mashaal said.

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