
It is reported that collapsed and the capital chain was suspected to be broken


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Recently, Hangzhou's well-known cross-border import service provider "" suddenly fell into operational difficulties, resulting in the immediate layoffs of its employees and suppliers urgently coming to seek rights protection.

According to employees, the company's human resources department held an emergency offline meeting and asked employees to go through the resignation procedures because the company had some problems.'s lawyers proposed to pay suppliers' debts at a 30% discount, but suppliers were not happy with the plan.

It is reported that no one is working in the office, and some personal items are still left on the desks of employees. Some employees said that has been operating steadily since 2015, and this change came very suddenly.

Cao Lei, deputy secretary-general of the "China Cross-border E-commerce 50 Forum" and director of the E-commerce Research Center of the China Internet Network Information Center, said that the reasons for the "explosion" of may be multifaceted, including broken capital chain, illegal operations, changes in the market environment, internal management problems, and suppliers' rights protection. These reasons interacted with each other and jointly led to the company's predicament.

Currently, the company's boss has taken out all his assets and sold his personal property to raise funds to cope with the crisis. (Financial World)