
[Free tickets] August 15th! Top scholars and industry leaders gather together! The 2024 New Productivity Conference is here


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China is standing at a new node of reform. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has opened the curtain for China to further deepen reform in an all-round way. China's economy is in a period of transition from old to new drivers, with a new round of scientific and technological revolution and economic transformation converging.

How can China's economy achieve long-term sustainable development through cycles? The answer may lie in "new reforms" and "new engines". Based on this understanding, The Paper's electronic weekly New Engine, which focuses on new productivity reports, will publishAugust 15th morningThe 2024 New Quality Productivity Conference will be held with the theme“New Reforms, New Momentum: Crossing the Cycle”

The conference will bring together leading figures from the government, academia, business and finance to discuss and exchange relevant topics and practical cases on further comprehensively deepening reform and developing new quality productivity, and brainstorm to promote China's economy to cross the cycle and achieve high-quality development.

Conference Present50 seats availableWhether you are a technology enthusiast, industry expert or practitioner in a technology company, this conference will bring you new insights and rich information exchange opportunities.

-Conference time-

August 15, 2024, 9:30-11:25 AM

-Conference location-

Wanda Reign Shanghai on the Bund (No. 538, Zhongshan East 2nd Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai)

- Conference Highlights -

Authoritative insights - The conference will bring together leading figures from the government, academia, business and finance to discuss the paths and strategies for China's economy to cross cycles and achieve long-term sustainable development;

Technology Outlook - Focusing on the intersection of a new round of technological revolution and economic transformation, outlining the development trajectory of strategic emerging industries and future industries;

Case study - sharing the in-depth theoretical and policy research of the "New Engine" weekly, opening up the connection between academia and enterprises, and facilitating the practice of new quality productivity.

- Conference Agenda -

(*The guest lineup is constantly increasing, and the final result will be subject to the actual implementation of the event)

-ways of registration-

2. After the organizer's background review, it will be sent【SMS of successful registration】

3. On the day of the event【SMS page】Admission;

We look forward to your arrival and witnessing the infinite possibilities of new quality productivity with us!