
Alibaba International to launch world's first AI-driven B2B search engine


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On August 2, it was reported that Alibaba International developedAIDriven B2Bsearch engineIt will be officially unveiled in September this year.

It is reported that it can actively understand the natural language of buyers and convert it into professional purchase requests. Furthermore, it can predict demand and provide suggestions based on global market data to achieve more accurate matching. It is reported that the AI ​​search engine will integrate all e-commerce platforms on the Internet in the future.

It is reported that it isGoogleThe biggest difference in the search experience is that current Google searches are only passive answers, mechanically matching web page content with keywords, and cannot truly understand people's needs, so the recommendations will not be accurate; but the AI ​​search engine launched by Alibaba International can understand your intentions more accurately through an active dialogue experience and recommend the most suitable results.

As early as November last year, Alibaba International released its first AI product Aidge; recently, Alibaba International announced the latest AI progress. In the past year, it has tested AI capabilities in more than 40 scenarios, served more than 500,000 small and medium-sized businesses, and optimized 100 million products. On average, the number of merchants calling on AI doubles every two months, and currently has reached an average of 50 million times a day. (Yicheng)

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