
Large-scale prisoner swap between the US and Russia


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Source: China News Network

According to foreign media reports including the Associated Press and Russia's Sputnik News Agency, the United States and Russia carried out a large-scale prisoner exchange in the Turkish capital Ankara on August 1 local time.

Image source: Screenshot of Associated Press report

The Associated Press reported that Russia released 16 people requested by the United States, including former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, and the United States also coordinated with Germany, Poland and other countries to release eight detained Russian citizens.

It is said that this is the largest prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. US President Biden called the prisoner exchange "a diplomatic feat" and said that "deals like this require difficult decisions."

Image source: Screenshot of Russian Satellite News report

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency, the Russian Federal Security Service Public Relations Center stated that eight Russian citizens who were detained and imprisoned in many NATO countries have returned to Russia. The news pointed out that these Russian citizens were able to return home thanks to the orderly work of the national competent authorities and foreign partner countries.

On the evening of August 1, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the Russian citizens who were released and returned to Russia in the prisoner exchange operation at the aircraft ramp of Vnukovo-2 Airport.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your return to the motherland," Putin said to the released personnel at the airport, "I would like to thank you for your loyalty to your oath, duty and the motherland. The motherland remembers you all the time, and he said that the relevant personnel will be awarded national medals.