
The United States and Russia completed the "largest prisoner exchange since the Cold War", details were exposed, Biden and Putin expressed their views respectively


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On August 1, with the mediation of the Turkish National Intelligence Agency, the United States and Russia exchanged 26 people from seven countries, including the United States, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Russia and Belarus, in the Turkish capital Ankara.

Biden expressed gratitude to America's allies, the White House said.Although the United States and Russia have made a breakthrough in the hostage negotiations, this has nothing to do with diplomatic efforts to mediate the Ukrainian war. Putin went to the airport to personally welcome the exchanged Russian prisoners that night., congratulating them on their return to their homeland. This is the largest prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia since the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Details of the large-scale prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia: 24 prisoners and 2 children, including journalists and dissidents

The 26 people exchanged were sent to Ankara, Turkey by seven planes, two of which were from the United States, and the rest were from Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway and Russia.

They were accompanied by security personnel and after arriving in Ankara, they took an airport bus and boarded their own country's plane back home.Ten of them (including two children) returned to Russia, another 13 were transferred to Germany, and the remaining three returned to the United States.

Those released from Russia and returned to the United States include Wall Street Journal reporter Gershkovich, former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, and Russian-American journalist Kurmasheva.Gorshkovic and Whelan accused of espionage, sentenced to 16 years in prison in 2020 and last month respectively.

Kurmasheva, a reporter for Radio Free Europe, was detained and later arrested when she returned to Tatarstan, Russia to visit relatives in 2023.Russia accused her of editing a book about Ukraine that spread false information about the Russian military, violating Russian laws on "military fraud" and sentenced her to six and a half years in prison.

Others released included several Germans who were charged with terrorism, treason and possession of marijuana.

White House: US and Russia have made a breakthrough in hostage negotiations, but this has nothing to do with Russia-Ukraine negotiations

After the United States and Russia completed the prisoner exchange, Biden expressed his gratitude to the United States' allies that day. The White House revealed that the Vice PresidentHarris was also deeply involved in the prisoner exchange negotiationsThe White House also stressed that although the United States and Russia had made a breakthrough in hostage negotiations, this had nothing to do with diplomatic efforts related to the Ukrainian war.

Biden met with reporters on the 1st with the families of American hostages released by Russia.

President Biden:

The brutal ordeal they endured is over, and they are free. This deal would not have been possible without our allies, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, and Turkey. They all stepped up and stood with us. They made bold and courageous decisions to release prisoners who were rightfully held in their countries, and provided the logistical support for the return of Americans.

This is the largest prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia since the end of the Cold War in 1991. Russia released a total of 16 people, and in exchange, the United States and its allies released 8 people.US President's National Security Advisor Sullivan described this asThe largest and most complex prisoner exchange in history, the results are hard-won.

However, Sullivan said:The breakthrough in the US-Russia hostage talks has nothing to do with diplomatic efforts to mediate the war in Ukraine"We think they operate on different tracks."

Sullivan also confirmed that US Vice President Harris was a key member of the prisoner exchange agreement.While attending the Munich Summit in Germany, Harris privately discussed the prisoner exchange agreement with German Chancellor Scholz.

In addition, German Chancellor Scholz went to Cologne Airport on the 1st to welcome the released prisoners who arrived in Germany in the prisoner exchange operation, and gave a speech saying that he believed that this prisoner exchange was a correct decision. Scholz revealed that he had a long conversation with the released prisoners, and the content of the conversation moved him deeply. Many of them had never thought that they would be free again and had worried about their lives and health.

Putin personally welcomes eight prisoners who were exchanged back to their homeland: Thank you for your loyalty to your oath, duty and motherland

Eight Russians imprisoned in several NATO countries as part of a large-scale prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia returned to Moscow on the evening of the 1st. President Vladimir Putin personally went to the airport to greet them.

Putin arrived at Moscow's Vnukovo Airport that night to greet the exchanged Russian prisoners and congratulate them on their return to their homeland.Putin also expressed gratitude to returning Russians for their loyalty to duty and oath, and those directly related to military service will receive state rewards.

Russian President Vladimir Putin:

First of all, I want to congratulate you on your return to your homeland. Now I want to talk about those of you who are directly related to military service.I want to thank you for your loyalty to your oath, duty and your country, which has never forgotten you.-Now you are home. All of you will be nominated for national awards.

It is reported that,Most of the prisoners exchanged this time were accused of cooperating with Russian intelligence agencies. Sources pointed out that the Russian side was completely satisfied with the prisoner exchange.Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he would not rule out making an official comment on the prisoner exchange at an appropriate time.

Russian experts believe thatThe large-scale prisoner exchange between Russia and Western countries is a completely independent field and a humanitarian act. It will not have any impact on the Russia-Ukraine conflict., and the Russian authorities should not hold out hope for a breakthrough in current Russia-US relations because of this incident.

Source: Phoenix Satellite TV News Channel

Editor: Wang Erya